EXERCISE 4.18 Analyzing a Table

EXERCISE 4.18 Analyzing a Table


Analyzing a Table

Use the guidelines in Table 4.4 to analyze Table 4.5.

Table 4.5 Household Internet Usage by Age, 2011
Age of householder Internet use at home (%) Dial-up at home (%) Broadband at home (%) Internet use anywhere (%) No Internet use anywhere (%)
Under 25 69.53 1.18 66.68 85.09 14.91
25 to 34 77.75 1.36 75.33 87.35 12.65
35 to 44 81.86 1.53 79.45 89.55 10.45
45 to 54 77.93 2.43 74.59 84.44 15.56
55 years + 61.68 3.05 58.00 66.21 33.79

Source: U.S. Department of Commerce, National Telecommunications and Information Administration, Exploring the Digital Nation: America’s Emerging Online Experience, June 2013. See also <http://www.ntia.doc.gov/report>. Based on the July 2011 Current Population Survey Computer and Internet Use Supplement. See text, Section 1 and Appendix III. For more information: http://www.ntia.doc.gov/report/2013/exploring-digital-nation-americas-emerging-online-experience

Question 4.60

1. What is the table supposed to show? Is the data from a reliable source? How can you tell?

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