Correcting Run-ons and Comma Splices
Correct any run-ons or comma splices in the following sentences.
1. Nearly every American child dreams of going to Disney World, it has become one of the most popular family vacation destinations.
2. Shopping through online bookstores is convenient, some people miss the atmosphere of a traditional bookstore.
3. Openness is one way to build trust in a relationship another is to demonstrate tolerance and patience.
4. In the 1960s some Americans treated Vietnam veterans disrespectfully this situation has changed dramatically since that time.
5. William Faulkner wrote classic novels about life in the U.S. South, Eudora Welty has also written vividly about southern life.
6. With large bodies and tiny wings, bumblebees have long been a puzzle, how do they fly?
7. The Taj Mahal is aptly called the Pearl Mosque it glows in the moonlight with unearthly beauty.
8. The Supreme Court often makes controversial decisions, the justices must decide how to interpret the Constitution.
9. Although the clouds were threatening, the storm had not yet struck, however, most boats turned toward shore.
10. Restoring a painting is, indeed, delicate work too much enthusiasm can be dangerous.