EXERCISE 6.2, Correcting Errors in Verb Form

EXERCISE 6.2, Correcting Errors in Verb Form


Correcting Errors in Verb Form

Correct the errors in verb form in the following paragraph. Some sentences may be correct as written.



1. Walt Whitman was usually considered one of the greatest American poets. He spent almost his whole life in Brooklyn, New York, but he like to write about all of America. He was fired from several jobs for laziness and admitted that he liked to lay in bed until noon. But he had a vision: He wanted to create an entirely new kind of poetry. Rhyme was considered unimportant by him, and he did not think new American poetry needed formal structure. Unfortunately for Whitman, his great masterpiece, Leaves of Grass, was not an overnight success. Ralph Waldo Emerson admire it, but Whitman sold very few copies. He revise it continuously until his death. Today, people admires Leaves of Grass for its optimism, its beautiful language, its very modern appreciation of the diversity of America, and its astonishing openness about sexuality. Whitman’s body of work still move and surprise readers.

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