Web-based Case Studies

Chapter 1. Map Activities


_activity_type_title: Web-based Case Studies _sequenced_sections: false _restore_last_viewed_section: true

Anorexia Nervosa
Patient: Carrie

Written by Danae L. Hudson, Ph.D.
Missouri State University

(c) 2007 Worth Publishers


1.1 Cities

1. New Question Title (optional)

This is a fill-in-the- query. This is a query.

What is the capital of Oregon?


_max_tries:2 _feedback_correct: Correct. _feedback_hint: Try again. _feedback_incorrect: Incorrect.

1.2 Diagnosis

2. Making a diagnosis

Refer to the DSM-IV-TR criteria for anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa and answer the following questions.

Which disorder does Carrie appear to be suffering from?


Find examples for as many of the specific symptoms that you can. Are there any symptoms that you would need to confirm before making a diagnosis?

3. Societal Pressures

What role may societal pressures have played in Carrieā€™s development of an eating disorder?

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