1889 | - Jane Addams opens Hull House.
1896 | |
1900 | |
1901 | - William McKinley assassinated; Theodore Roosevelt becomes president.
1902 | - Antitrust lawsuit filed against Northern Securities Company.
- Roosevelt mediates anthracite coal strike.
1903 | - Women’s Trade Union League founded.
- Panama Canal construction begins.
1904 | - Roosevelt Corollary to Monroe Doctrine.
1905 | - Industrial Workers of the World founded.
1906 | - Pure Food and Drug Act and Meat Inspection Act.
- Atlanta race riot.
- Hepburn Act.
1907 | - Panic on Wall Street.
- “Gentlemen’s Agreement” with Japan.
1908 | - Muller v. Oregon.
- William Howard Taft elected president.
1909 | - Garment workers’ strike.
- National Association for the Advancement of Colored People formed.
1911 | - Triangle Shirtwaist Company fire.
1912 | - Roosevelt runs for president on Progressive Party ticket.
- Woodrow Wilson elected president.
1913 | - Suffragists march in Washington, D.C.
- Federal Reserve Act.
1914 | - Federal Trade Commission created.
- Clayton Antitrust Act.
1916 | - Margaret Sanger opens first U.S. birth control clinic.