Quiz for Documenting the American Promise: “The Gold Rush”

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1. How did Americans living on the East Coast get to California during the Gold Rush if they did not want to, or could not afford to, travel by boat?


Correct. The answer is b. There were three routes to California during the Gold Rush: sailing around the southern tip of South America; sailing to Panama, walking through its jungles, and then sailing up to San Francisco; or crossing the continent in a covered wagon or on foot. Whichever method a gold seeker chose, the trip was long, difficult, and dangerous.
Incorrect. The answer is b. There were three routes to California during the Gold Rush: sailing around the southern tip of South America; sailing to Panama, walking through its jungles, and then sailing up to San Francisco; or crossing the continent in a covered wagon or on foot. Whichever method a gold seeker chose, the trip was long, difficult, and dangerous.


2. According to James Marshall’s account of finding gold in 1848, which of the following is probably the reason Marshall urged his men to stay quiet about his discovery?


Correct. The answer is d. Marshall and his men were working for John Sutter to build a sawmill when Marshall discovered gold, so they had to finish the mill before they could go searching for gold. Marshall wrote that he thought it was “our best policy to keep it as quiet as possible till we should have finished our mill,” which suggests that he worried that news of the discovery would bring hungry gold seekers before he and his men had a chance to look for more gold themselves.
Incorrect. The answer is d. Marshall and his men were working for John Sutter to build a sawmill when Marshall discovered gold, so they had to finish the mill before they could go searching for gold. Marshall wrote that he thought it was “our best policy to keep it as quiet as possible till we should have finished our mill,” which suggests that he worried that news of the discovery would bring hungry gold seekers before he and his men had a chance to look for more gold themselves.


3. What does Sarah Royce’s story suggest about the potential difficulties of traveling to California by covered wagon during the Gold Rush?


Correct. The answer is a. In this document, Royce and her family encountered an abandoned wagon party along the trail. Its supplies were strewn on the ground, and dead cattle lay just in front of the wagons they had once pulled. This scene suggests that the death of the cattle pulling these wagons had required the members of this party to abandon many of their supplies hastily, and continue traveling with only the most essential items.
Incorrect. The answer is a. In this document, Royce and her family encountered an abandoned wagon party along the trail. Its supplies were strewn on the ground, and dead cattle lay just in front of the wagons they had once pulled. This scene suggests that the death of the cattle pulling these wagons had required the members of this party to abandon many of their supplies hastily, and continue traveling with only the most essential items.


4. Daniel B. Woods argued that gold mining in the California Gold Rush was uniquely frustrating because, compared to other kinds of work, gold mining was extremely


Correct. The answer is b. Woods found gold mining to be extremely frustrating because, as he wrote in his diary, “the ‘chances of our making a fortune in the old mines are about the same as those in favor of our drawing a prize in a lottery.’ No kind of work is so uncertain.” Woods’s experience illustrates how gold mining made very few people rich, dashing the hopes of many aspiring miners.
Incorrect. The answer is b. Woods found gold mining to be extremely frustrating because, as he wrote in his diary, “the ‘chances of our making a fortune in the old mines are about the same as those in favor of our drawing a prize in a lottery.’ No kind of work is so uncertain.” Woods’s experience illustrates how gold mining made very few people rich, dashing the hopes of many aspiring miners.


5. These documents support which of the following historical arguments?


Correct. The answer is c. These documents, especially the testimonies of Sarah Royce and Daniel B. Woods, illustrate how the promises of the Gold Rush did not usually sync with the realities. Very few people ever struck it rich, and most instead experienced hardships, exhaustion, danger, and made extremely small profits.
Incorrect. The answer is c. These documents, especially the testimonies of Sarah Royce and Daniel B. Woods, illustrate how the promises of the Gold Rush did not usually sync with the realities. Very few people ever struck it rich, and most instead experienced hardships, exhaustion, danger, and made extremely small profits.