Quiz for Visualizing History: “Selling the Marshall Plan”

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1. What was one of the United States' objectives when it established the Marshall Plan after World War II?


Correct. The answer is a. The purpose of the Marshall Plan was to prevent European nations from “falling” to communism. Since communism was an attractive economic system for peoples and nations who were suffering economically, the United States hoped that by strengthening European economies via direct aid, these European nations would maintain their capitalist economies and not be drawn to communism.
Incorrect. The answer is a. The purpose of the Marshall Plan was to prevent European nations from “falling” to communism. Since communism was an attractive economic system for peoples and nations who were suffering economically, the United States hoped that by strengthening European economies via direct aid, these European nations would maintain their capitalist economies and not be drawn to communism.


2. In Alfred Lutz’s submission to the European Recovery Program’s (ERP) 1950 poster competition, to what does the chef allude?


Correct. The answer is b. Lutz, a German artist, included a chef in his poster submission to illustrate how the ERP would help desperate Europeans in a very concrete and material way: by providing them with food. The image would have been particularly resonant with Europeans, particularly Germans, who suffered from agonizing hunger and starvation in the immediate aftermath of World War II.
Incorrect. The answer is b. Lutz, a German artist, included a chef in his poster submission to illustrate how the ERP would help desperate Europeans in a very concrete and material way: by providing them with food. The image would have been particularly resonant with Europeans, particularly Germans, who suffered from agonizing hunger and starvation in the immediate aftermath of World War II.


3. Why is it significant that in Kurt Krapeik’s submission to the ERP’s 1950 poster competition, the birds he depicts in the poster are doves?


Correct. The answer is d. The doves that supply the nest in Krapeik’s poster are intended to evoke a symbol of peace. The message of this painting is that through the ERP, the United States will provide aid and recovery to the European nations in the “nest” as a gesture of peace and goodwill.
Incorrect. The answer is d. The doves that supply the nest in Krapeik’s poster are intended to evoke a symbol of peace. The message of this painting is that through the ERP, the United States will provide aid and recovery to the European nations in the “nest” as a gesture of peace and goodwill.


4. The design of the ship in Reijn Dirksen’s winning submission to the ERP’s 1950 poster competition embodies the ERP’s spirit of European


Correct. The answer is c. The ship’s sails in Dirksen’s winning poster comprise the flags of more than a dozen European nations. Together, these sails are pulling the ship, Europe, forward through the sea. The message of this poster is one of intra-European cooperation, just as the ERP intended to engender economic cooperation in Europe.
Incorrect. The answer is c. The ship’s sails in Dirksen’s winning poster comprise the flags of more than a dozen European nations. Together, these sails are pulling the ship, Europe, forward through the sea. The message of this poster is one of intra-European cooperation, just as the ERP intended to engender economic cooperation in Europe.


5. In which of the posters, if any, is the United States’ role as the creator and financial backer of the ERP’s economic aid depicted most obviously?


Correct. The answer is b. Although all three posters use images of flags to symbolize the nations that would benefit from the ERP, only one of the posters includes the United States’ flag: “We Build a New Europe.” In this poster, the tree that is supporting the European nations as they recover from the war is designed to look like a large American flag, emblazoned with the letters “ERP.” Unlike the other two posters, this poster makes the United States’ role in the ERP extremely visible.
Incorrect. The answer is b. Although all three posters use images of flags to symbolize the nations that would benefit from the ERP, only one of the posters includes the United States’ flag: “We Build a New Europe.” In this poster, the tree that is supporting the European nations as they recover from the war is designed to look like a large American flag, emblazoned with the letters “ERP.” Unlike the other two posters, this poster makes the United States’ role in the ERP extremely visible.