Quiz for Visualizing History: “Weapons of Conquest”

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Correct. The answer is d. Obsidian is a mineral that is similar to glass, and its fragments are extremely sharp. The obsidian made the clubs effective weapons at close range.
Incorrect. The answer is d. Obsidian is a mineral that is similar to glass, and its fragments are extremely sharp. The obsidian made the clubs effective weapons at close range.


Correct. The answer is b. Both the sword and club were limited in their efficacy to combat at close range. The sword discussed in the essay, for example, was just three feet long.
Incorrect. The answer is b. Both the sword and club were limited in their efficacy to combat at close range. The sword discussed in the essay, for example, was just three feet long.


Correct. The answer is a. The Mexica typically used shields made from feathers and animal hides, which made them extremely vulnerable to the sharp blades of the Spaniards’ steel swords.
Incorrect. The answer is a. The Mexica typically used shields made from feathers and animal hides, which made them extremely vulnerable to the sharp blades of the Spaniards’ steel swords.


Correct. The answer is b. The caption for the image "Mexican Warriors Battle Spanish Conquistadors" outlines a few ways in which horses conferred advantages on the Spanish soldiers, including that the horses gave the Spaniards superior mobility relative to their Mexican foes.
Incorrect. The answer is b. The caption for the image "Mexican Warriors Battle Spanish Conquistadors" outlines a few ways in which horses conferred advantages on the Spanish soldiers, including that the horses gave the Spaniards superior mobility relative to their Mexican foes.


Correct. The answer is c. The feature text argues, “While the Mexica wounded and killed many Spaniards, in the end Spaniards prevailed and conquered Mexico…. [the] Spaniards’ superior weaponry contributed to their success.”
Incorrect. The answer is c. The feature text argues, “While the Mexica wounded and killed many Spaniards, in the end Spaniards prevailed and conquered Mexico…. [the] Spaniards’ superior weaponry contributed to their success.”