Quiz for Seeking the American Promise: “A Mother Campaigns for a Say in Her Children’s Education”

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1. Why did Alice Moore object to her children being taught a new school curriculum, adopted in 1974, which encouraged critical and independent thinking?


Correct. The answer is c. Moore objected to the new curriculum because it was an affront to her conservative, Christian values. She argued that the emphasis on critical and independent thinking was disrespectful of authority, unpatriotic, and un-Christian. She tried to fight the curriculum changes by running for school board and organizing protests.
Incorrect. The answer is c. Moore objected to the new curriculum because it was an affront to her conservative, Christian values. She argued that the emphasis on critical and independent thinking was disrespectful of authority, unpatriotic, and un-Christian. She tried to fight the curriculum changes by running for school board and organizing protests.


2. In Kanawha County, West Virginia in the 1970s, the sex education curriculum and some of the content of the new English language arts curriculum brought the New Right in direct conflict with what contemporaneous social change?


Correct. The answer is d. Since the 1960s, American culture had become more permissive when it came to sex and sexuality, thanks in part to the feminist movement and the counterculture. Conservatives in Kanawha County strongly objected to this sexual permissiveness, which they saw manifested through the new public school curriculum (including sex education).
Incorrect. The answer is d. Since the 1960s, American culture had become more permissive when it came to sex and sexuality, thanks in part to the feminist movement and the counterculture. Conservatives in Kanawha County strongly objected to this sexual permissiveness, which they saw manifested through the new public school curriculum (including sex education).


3. Which of the following prominent organizations came to Kanawha County, West Virginia in the 1970s to help local parents fight back against a new curriculum and new reading list that the parents deemed offensive?


Correct. The answer is a. When the Kanawha County schools opened in September 1974, some parents kept their children at home in protest of the new curriculum and reading list, while others pursued more drastic measures, including staging massive demonstrations, and setting explosions in three schools and in the district headquarters. Among the conservative organizations that came to help the protests were the Ku Klux Klan, the John Birch Society, and the Heritage Foundation.
Incorrect. The answer is a. When the Kanawha County schools opened in September 1974, some parents kept their children at home in protest of the new curriculum and reading list, while others pursued more drastic measures, including staging massive demonstrations, and setting explosions in three schools and in the district headquarters. Among the conservative organizations that came to help the protests were the Ku Klux Klan, the John Birch Society, and the Heritage Foundation.


4. Which of the following was a long-term consequence of the conflicts over public school curricula that erupted in the 1970s?


Correct. The answer is d. In response to the fierce conflicts over public school curricula in the 1970s, many conservative parents decided to withdraw their students from public school entirely. As a result, as of 2007 1.5 million children were homeschooled, and the number of students attending private Christian schools skyrocketed.
Incorrect. The answer is d. In response to the fierce conflicts over public school curricula in the 1970s, many conservative parents decided to withdraw their students from public school entirely. As a result, as of 2007 1.5 million children were homeschooled, and the number of students attending private Christian schools skyrocketed.


5. Alice Moore’s crusade against the Kanawha County, West Virginia school district substantiates which of the following historical explanations for the rise of conservatism in the 1970s and 1980s?


Correct. The answer is b. Historians have given many explanations for the dramatic rise of conservatism and the New Right in the 1970s and 1980s, and different kinds of evidence can be used to prove each argument. In the case of the conflicts over school curricula in places like Kanawha County, the argument this evidence seems to suggest is that the New Right arose in reaction to the social changes of the 1960s, such as the development of multiculturalism and sexual permissiveness.
Incorrect. The answer is b. Historians have given many explanations for the dramatic rise of conservatism and the New Right in the 1970s and 1980s, and different kinds of evidence can be used to prove each argument. In the case of the conflicts over school curricula in places like Kanawha County, the argument this evidence seems to suggest is that the New Right arose in reaction to the social changes of the 1960s, such as the development of multiculturalism and sexual permissiveness.