Quiz for Documenting the American Promise: “Spanish Priests Report on California Missions”

Choose the best answer to each question.


1. Who are the “gentiles” that both Father Luís Jayme and Father Junipero Serra refer in their reports?


Correct. The answer is B. The priests use the term gentiles to refer to the Indians that the missionaries are attempting to convert to Christianity.
Incorrect. The correct answer is B. The priests use the term gentiles to refer to the Indians that the missionaries are attempting to convert to Christianity.


2. When Father Luís Jayme writes, “They . . . do not have idols; they do not go on drinking sprees; they do not marry relatives; and they have but one wife,” he is referring to the


Correct. The answer is A. Jayme is writing to his superiors to demonstrate that even the unconverted Indians behave in more Christian ways than the soldiers, who are nominally Christian.
Incorrect. The correct answer is A. Jayme is writing to his superiors to demonstrate that even the unconverted Indians behave in more Christian ways than the soldiers, who are nominally Christian.


3. Based on these two documents, which of the following attitudes do you think Jayme and Serra shared?


Correct. The answer is C. Serra and Jayme agree that missionaries’ efforts to convert Indians to Christianity constitute a worthy and important goal, despite its associated difficulties.
Incorrect. The correct answer is C. Serra and Jayme agree that missionaries’ efforts to convert Indians to Christianity constitute a worthy and important goal, despite its associated difficulties.


4. Father Luís Jayme believed that Spanish soldiers were betraying their Christian faith by mistreating the Indians. Father Junipero Serra believed that the soldiers were


Correct. The answer is B. While Jayme believed that the soldiers’ behavior was un-Christian and reprehensible, Serra blamed the Indians for the rebellion and suggested that the soldiers were justified in punishing them for their attacks on the mission and the missionaries.
Incorrect. The correct answer is B. While Jayme believed that the soldiers’ behavior was un-Christian and reprehensible, Serra blamed the Indians for the rebellion and suggested that the soldiers were justified in punishing them for their attacks on the mission and the missionaries.


5. Which of the following statements summarizes Serra’s views about the role the Spanish soldiers should fulfill at California’s Christian missions in the future?


Correct. The answer is D. Serra suggests that the soldiers should continue to play a role in the missions and, because the soldiers failed to protect the missionaries, their primary role should be to “keep better guard over [the Indians] than they did over the [minister] who has been killed.”
Incorrect. The correct answer is D. Serra suggests that the soldiers should continue to play a role in the missions and, because the soldiers failed to protect the missionaries, their primary role should be to “keep better guard over [the Indians] than they did over the [minister] who has been killed.”