Chapter 9. Essentials_Video_Media

9.1 Lesson 9 Essentials Video: Media

Lesson 9 Essentials Video: Media

Watch the video below to see how students like you select appropriate media for their context.

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Students in order of appearance: Jenna, Gretchen, Nia, Vinh-Thuy, Thomas, Dan

Exercise: Integrate the video


Write a substantial paragraph or two, with a topic sentence or mini-thesis, through which you respond to the students in this video as you form your own approaches to selecting appropriate media for your context. You might begin by identifying the moments that stand out to you the most. Which student videos seem to make the most sense to you? With whom do you agree? Disagree? What patterns do you find among the student sound bites? Which ideas were the most instructive or helpful to you? What surprised you? How have your own ideas about writing in a variety of media come into focus through the videos?

Earlier in this lesson, Nia talks about applying to film school and how unnatural it felt for her not be able to use her actual voice as part of the application. She says, “I just feel like my voice makes it better, because you know how you sound and you know when your heart feels a certain word. Whereas, reading [text] could be anything. Someone could send you a text message, and they could be mad, but you thought that they were sad.” So, for Nia, the forced choice of writing only with text conflicted not only with the “nature” of filmmaking, but also with Nia’s desire to be authentic, human, and even emotional. Regardless of how you choose to incorporate media into your own work, it can help you to make a deeper connection with your audience.