Chapter 19. Essentials_Video_Thesis

19.1 Lesson 19 Essentials Video: Thesis

Lesson 19 Essentials Video: Thesis

Watch the video below to see how students like you focus their thesis through evidence and research.

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Students in order of appearance: Nicole, Cuyler, Gregg, Hyesu, Hannah, Lili, Deonta, Nicholas

Exercise: Integrate the video


Cuyler has a well-designed, strongly connected, and ideally balanced rhetorical triangle when he says, “My approach to a thesis now is less mechanical. Now, the reason you write a paper is that there’s something about the topic you don’t understand. And so the thesis is oftentimes for me the question itself, or maybe the question rephrased as an answer. And then I take the reader through all the different arguments to show them how I answered that question, or how I arrived at that answer.”

Cuyler use the thesis to connect to his topic and then connect his “arguments” and “answers” with his readers. Whatever your approach to thesis, you will be on the right track if you keep your rhetorical situation in mind as you write.