Chapter 24. Essentials_Video_Citation

24.1 Lesson 24 Essentials Video: Citation

Lesson 24 Essentials Video: Citation

Watch the video below to see how students like you approach citation as a research tool and not a threat.

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Students in order of appearance: Nicole, Timothy, Ansel, Hannah, Deonta, Billy, Marc, Lindsey

Exercise: Integrate the video


Write a substantial paragraph or two, with a topic sentence or mini-thesis, through which you respond to the students in this video as you learn to approach citation as a research tool and not as a threat. You might begin by identifying the moments that stand out to you the most. Which student videos seem to make the most sense to you? With whom do you agree? Disagree? What patterns do you find among the student sound bites? Which ideas were the most instructive or helpful to you? What surprised you? How have your own ideas about introductions and conclusions come into focus through the videos?

Citation may sometimes feel like an afterthought, but as the students in this video learned, it can be a powerful tool for researching and sharing your ideas. The citation charts in Lesson 24 will be a useful place to get started.