Document 16.1 | Sample proposal Letter

XYZ Foundation

130 Arlington Street

Boston, MA 02116


The Eisenhower Middle School in Portland, Oregon, is seeking a grant to help vulnerable students improve their reading skills. These students are currently reading at three or even more grade levels behind their peers. The objective of the Reading Readiness project is to help these students improve their reading speed, attention span, and comprehension so that they can perform at grade level. We request funding of $19,631 to design and implement this program and to purchase reading software and hardware for the school’s resource lab.

Eisenhower Middle School has 265 students, of whom 61 are at risk in reading for several reasons, including dyslexia and attention deficit disorder (ADD), as well as other economic- and language-based factors. Additionally, Eisenhower Middle School is eligible for Title 1 funds. Finally, if these students cannot improve their reading skills, they are at increased risk of academic failure, which can lead to increased truancy and even dropping out of school entirely.

The Reading Readiness project gives students access to seven computers equipped with scanners and reading software. Students will be able to see their textbooks and other classroom materials on the screen, with words and text highlighted, while a human-like voice reads these materials to them. Included in the Reading Readiness project is a one-day training session for the Special Education Specialist and the teachers on how to use the StudentsFirst! software.

The goal of the Reading Readiness project is to help students with learning and reading disabilities improve their reading skills so that they can develop the skills they need to succeed in middle school and be prepared for high school and further education.

The budget includes funds for a Software Pack consisting of seven copies of StudentsFirst! Educational Software, seven computers, and seven scanners. This package will furnish seven independent assistive reading workstations, giving students great flexibility in using their textbooks and other teaching materials. The StudentsFirst! package is a reading program developed with input from leading reading experts.

Standardized reading tests will be conducted at the start of the Reading Readiness program to acquire baseline data on reading and then again at the end of the school year to determine improvements. In addition, we will test students with ADD for improvements in reading attention.

We appreciate XYZ Foundation’s interest in helping Eisenhower Middle School create a program that will help our students succeed. Please give me a call at 617-555-1212 x125 if you need further information.


Alison Galitz

Special Education Coordinator