Welcome Page for Instructors
Welcome Page for Students
Case 1: Using the Measures of Excellence in Evaluating a Résumé
Case 2: The Ethics of Requiring Students To Subsidize a Plagiarism-Detection Service
Case 3: Understanding Why Revision Software Cannot Revise and Edit Your Document
Case 4: Accommodating a Team Member’s Scheduling Problems
Work-Schedule Form
Team-Member Evaluation Form
Self-Evaluation Form
Case 5: Focusing on an Audience’s Needs and Interests
Audience Profile Sheet
Case 6: Revising a Questionnaire
Case 7: Organizing a Document for Clarity—and Diplomacy
Case 8: Analyzing the Persuasiveness of a Website
Case 9: Emphasizing Important Information in a Technical Description
Case 10: Revising a Document for Nonnative Speakers and for Translation
Case 11: Designing a Flyer
Case 12: Creating Appropriate Graphics To Accompany a Report
How Hard the Wind Will Hit Your Area, and When, Tom Giratikanon and David Schutz [Interactive Graphic]
Case 13: Revising a Document for a New Audience
Case 14: Setting Up and Maintaining a Professional Microblog Account
Case 15: Identifying the Best-of-the-Best Job-Search Sites
Blane C. Holden’s Online Portfolio, Blane C. Holden [Online Portfolio]
Case 16: Revising a Brief Proposal
Marketing Proposal Presentation, Andrew Washuta [Proposal Delivered as a Prezi Presentation]
Case 17: Writing a Directive About Using Agendas for Meetings
"High Plains Water-Level Monitoring Study, United States Geological Survey [Report Presented as a Website]
Global Forest Change, Hansen, Potapov, Moore, Hancher et al. [Informational Report Presented through an Interactive Graphic]
Case 18: Analyzing Decision Matrices
Influenza 2010–2011: ACIP Vaccination Recommendations (4:41), Centers for Disease Control [Recommendations Presented in an Audio Podcast]
Case 19: Introducing the Scientific Method Through a Lab Report
Case 20: Choosing a Medium for Presenting Instructions
Hybrids Under the Hood (Part 2), Hybridcenter.org, Union of Concerned Scientists [Mechanism Description Using Interactive Graphics]
Diverging Diamond Interchange Visualization (2:52), North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) [Process Description Using Video Animation]
Dryer Repair—Replacing the High Limit Thermostat (3:16), Part Select [Instructions Using Video Demonstration]
Jing Learning Center: Capture a Video (2:25), TechSmith [Instructions Using Video Screen Capture]
Recording Audio in the Field Using an iTalk (3:00), Texas Tech University Multiple Literacy Lab (MuLL) [Instructions Using a Combination of Video Demonstration and Screen Capture]
What is the “Cloud”?, Joanna Stern/ABC News [Definition Using Video Animation]
Case 21: Understanding the Claim-and-Support Structure for Presentation Graphics
Oral Presentation Evaluation Form