Dryer Repair—Replacing the High Limit Thermostat (3:16), Part Select

Dryer Repair—Replacing the High Limit Thermostat (3:16), Part Select

Instructions Using Video Demonstration

While written instructions use words and static pictures to tell people what to do, instructional videos also show people what to do. Because video cameras and video editing software are not as expensive as they used to be, more organizations are choosing to create videos to help people follow their instructions and processes. Web-based videos are an effective way to provide instructions to an audience who can access videos over the Internet.

This video is from a company called Part Select that sells replacement parts for appliances and electronics. The video tells viewers how to replace a thermostat in a clothes dryer. A thermostat in a dryer tends to last several years, so it is likely that viewers will not have experience making this kind of repair.

Explore the video demonstration and answer the questions below. Then, “submit” your responses.


Courtesy of PartSelect.com

Question 1.13

1. How effective is the video’s introduction (0:00–0:11)? What does it accomplish?

Question 1.14

2. What is the first step in the instructions? Why is it significant?

Question 1.15

3. At around 0:33, the video uses yellow highlights to show the locations of the nine quarter-inch screws that need to be removed. The video is edited to show the removal of only five of the screws. How effective are these choices?

Question 1.16

4. Why is it important to use close-up camera angles to show removal of the old thermostat and installation of the new one? (See, for example, 1:30–1:40.) Why is it also important to use slightly wider camera angles? (See, for example, 1:26 and 1:41.)

Question 1.17

5. Why do you think the creators of this video chose to include background music? What effect does the music have?

Question 1.18

6. How effective is the video’s ending (3:09–3:16)? What else, if anything, do you think the video should include?