Printed Page 524-525
The grading sheet included here is used by an engineering professor to evaluate the lab reports written by students in his Principles of Environmental Engineering lab course. One of the labs in that course requires students to evaluate the efficiencies of several wastewater-treatment strategies and then determine whether the strategies can meet or exceed proposed discharge-effluent limits. The questions on the next page ask you to consider the grading sheet based on the discussion of lab reports in this chapter.
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1. In what ways does this grading sheet follow the basic format of a lab report discussed in this chapter? In what ways does it not follow the basic format?
2. Do you agree or disagree with the relative importance placed on report elements in this grading sheet? How would you change the allotting of points?
3. If the instructor distributed this grading sheet at the start of a lab assignment, how might students in the lab use it to help them write their lab reports?