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Click each checklist item to read more about it.
Does the title
convey the major focus of your study?
use only words and abbreviations familiar to your readers?
use keywords that readers would likely use to search for research in your subject area?
Does the abstract
state the problem or question addressed by your study?
summarize key results and conclusions?
Does the introduction
concisely review research relevant to your study?
explain how your study contributes to the field?
Does the materials and methods section
describe the materials and equipment used (if appropriate)?
describe your procedures with enough detail for readers to understand what you did?
address any problems encountered and describe your solutions?
include a description and rationale for any subjective measurements?
Does the results section
summarize all the data relevant to the question or hypothesis you discussed in your introduction?
exclude data not applicable to your argument?
emphasize important trends and patterns?
use text and graphics to present data concisely?
introduce and explain (if appropriate) each graphic in your text?
Does the discussion section
address the question or hypothesis discussed in your introduction?
present plausible explanations for your results?
support your argument with data from your results?
compare your work to and comment on relevant work of other researchers?
comment on problematic or “negative” results (if appropriate)?
Does the conclusion section
briefly review the purpose of the research or experiment?
Does the acknowledgments section
thank the people who helped you conduct the lab or write the lab report?
identify any sources of financial support for the study?
identify only people and organizations that have specifically given permission to be listed?
Does the references section