Chapter 19, Additional Exercise 2: Revising a Lab Report

Chapter 19, Additional Exercise 2: Revising a Lab Report

The following lab report could be improved in content and structure. Revise it to increase its effectiveness, adding any reasonable details.


To: C. F. Ortiz
From: R. C. Nedden
Subject: Testing of Continuous Solder Strip Alternative for Large-Scale Integrated Terminals
cc: J. A. Jones M.

H. Miller

We ordered samples of continuous solder strips in three thicknesses for our testing: 1.5 mil, 2.5 mil, and 4.0 mil. Then we manufactured each thickness into terminals to test for pull strength.

The 1.5 mil material had an average pull strength of 1.62 pounds, which is above our goal of 1.5 pounds. But 30 percent of these terminals did not meet the goal. The 2.5 mil material had an average pull strength of 2.4 pounds, with a minimum force of 1.65 pounds. The 4.0 mil material had an average pull strength of 2.6 pounds per terminal, with a minimum of 1.9. Even though there was 60 percent more solder available than with the 2.5 mil material, the average pull strength increased by only 8 percent.

We concluded from this that the limit to the pull strength of the terminal is dependent on the geometry of the terminal, not on the amount of solder.