LearningCurve activities on pronoun agreement and reference are available at the end of the Grammatical Sentences section of this handbook.
Make sure that each pronoun clearly refers to one specific antecedent.
Eliminate vague uses of they, it, or you.
Add a noun, change the pronoun to a noun, or eliminate vague uses of this, that, or which.
Add a missing antecedent, or eliminate a pronoun with no clear antecedent.
Adding an antecedent (specifying your tenants instead of they) and eliminating a pronoun (reducing park some of them to park) simplify and clarify the sentence.
Identify a specific antecedent if a pronoun refers vaguely to a clause or a whole sentence.
Clarify an ambiguous reference to two possible antecedents.
Specify an implied reference.
In this example, adding the singer specifies an antecedent for he.
Note: Sometimes the implied noun may be present in another form, such as a possessive (Mary’s for Mary) or as part of another word (child in childhood).