Remixing Your Literary Analysis


Literary analyses may appear in genres and media besides the printed college essay. A literary analysis, for example, may be excerpted as an example in a writing project in another genre or it may be included as a whole as a review for a newspaper or magazine published in print or online. After turning in her literary analysis, Iris Lee decided to remix it as a review for her college newspaper, so more students at her school would be prompted to read the powerful short story “The Use of Force.”

In the next section of this chapter, we ask you to craft your own literary analysis. After composing it as an essay, consider remixing it by presenting it (or a portion of it) in another genre or medium, with another purpose, or for another audience.


Purpose: The purpose of your literary analysis is to persuade your audience to accept your interpretation of the story. If you remix your essay, which genre or medium would best allow you to persuade your readers to accept your take?

Audience: The audience for your literary analysis was your instructor and, perhaps, other students in your class. If you remix your analysis, what audience would be most interested in your subject and in your analysis of it?

Genre and medium: The genre of your literary analysis was the essay; the medium was textual, delivered either in print or online. If you remix your literary analysis, what genre and medium would best help you reach and persuade your target audience?