When the list of references includes several works by the same author, the APA provides the following rules for arranging these entries in the list:
Entries with the same first author and a different second author are alphabetized under the first author according to the second author’s last name:
Entries by the same authors are arranged by year of publication, in chronological order:
Entries by the same authors with the same publication year should be arranged alphabetically by title (according to the first word after A, An, or The), and lowercase letters (a, b, c, and so on) should be appended to the year in parentheses:
One author
More than one author
If there are more than seven authors, list only the first six, insert an ellipsis ( . . . ), and add the last author’s name.
Unknown author Begin the entry with the title.
If an author is designated as “Anonymous,” include the word Anonymous in place of the author, and alphabetize it as “Anonymous” in the reference list.
Corporation, organization, or government agency as author
Two or more works by the same author
When you cite two or more works by the same author, arrange them in chronological (time) order.
When you cite two works by the same author in the same year, alphabetize entries by title and then add a lowercase letter following each year.