For articles, capitalize only the first word of the title, proper nouns (Barclay, Berlin), and the first word following a colon (if any). Omit quotation marks around the titles of articles, but capitalize all the important words of journal, newspaper, and magazine titles, and set them in italics. If you are accessing an article through a database, follow the model for a comparable source.
From a scholarly journal
Include the digital object identifier (or doi) when available. When a doi has not been assigned, include the journal’s URL.
From a newspaper
From a magazine If a magazine is published weekly or biweekly (every other week), include the full date following the author’s name. If it is published monthly or bimonthly, include just the year and month (or months).
Editorial or letter to the editor
If the review is untitled, use the bracketed information as the title, retaining the brackets.