The Writing Assignment


Your instructor may ask you to compose all or part of the following multi-stage project:

  1. Summarize one or more sources on a controversial topic.

  2. Compile an annotated bibliography on the topic.

  3. Synthesize information from the articles you have read to write an informative report introducing the topic to your audience.

  4. Analyze two (or more) articles that take conflicting positions on the topic, comparing and contrasting the values underlying the opposing positions.

This Guide to Writing is designed to help you compose your own summaries, annotated bibliography, report, and analysis, applying what you have learned from reading an example of each of these genres. This Starting Points chart will help you find answers to composing questions you might have. Use the chart to find the guidance you need, when you need it.


Click the Starting Points chart to download.

An Informative Explanation How do I find a topic to write about?
  • Practicing a Genre: Analyzing Opposing Arguments

  • Choose a controversial topic to write about.

  • Test Your Choice: Choosing a Topic

  • Conduct research to find sources.

How can I summarize my sources?
  • Assess the genre’s basic features: An informative explanation.

  • Summary: “A Moral Market” (Maya Gomez)

  • Summarize sources and annotate your working bibliography.

How do I annotate sources for an annotated bibliography?
  • Annotated Bibliography: Compensating Kidney Donors (Maya Gomez)

  • Summarize sources and annotate your working bibliography.


How can I cite my sources properly?
  • Chapter 24, Citing and Documenting Sources in MLA Style

  • Chapter 25, Citing and Documenting Sources in APA Style

How do I interest my audience?
  • Determine the writer’s purpose and audience.

  • Remix: Remixing Information from Your Report or Analysis

  • Test Your Choice: Choosing a Topic

  • Analyze your audience.

How can I focus my explanation?
  • Brainstorm subtopics for a report.

  • Choose opposing argument essays to analyze.

  • Synthesize sources for a report or analysis.

  • Analyze and compare the opposing argument essays.

  • Draft a working thesis for your report or analysis.

  • Test Your Choice: Evaluating Your Analysis

A Clear, Logical Organization How do I organize a report or analysis?
  • Assess the genre’s basic features: A clear, logical organization.

  • Brainstorm subtopics for a report.

  • Synthesize sources for a report or analysis.

  • Analyze and compare the opposing argument essays.

  • Test Your Choice: Evaluating Your Analysis

  • Draft a working thesis for your report or analysis.

  • Create an outline to organize your report or analysis effectively for your readers.


Smooth Integration of Sources How do I integrate sources?
  • Assess the genre’s basic features: Smooth integration of sources.

  • Summarize sources and annotate your working bibliography.

  • Develop your report or analysis.

Appropriate Explanatory Strategies What kinds of explanatory strategies are appropriate in a report and an analysis?
  • Assess the genre’s basic features: Appropriate explanatory strategies.

  • Use visuals or multimedia illustrations to enhance your explanation.

  • Draft your report or analysis.