To learn more about how Jessica Statsky developed her response to readers’ likely objections, see A Writer at Work. If you could have given Statsky advice in a peer review of her drafts, what objections would you have advised her to respond to, and how do you think she could have responded?
THIS ESSAY by Jessica Statsky about children’s competitive sports was written for a college composition course. When you were a child, you may have had experience playing competitive sports, in or out of school, for example in Peewee Football, Little League Baseball, American Youth Soccer, or some other organization. Or you may have had relatives or friends who were deeply involved in sports.
As you read, consider the following:
In your experience and observation, was winning unduly emphasized or was more value placed on having a good time, learning to get along with others, developing athletic skills, or something else altogether?
The questions in the margin: Your instructor may ask you to post your answers to a class blog or discussion board or to bring them to class.
Basic Features
A Focused, Well-
A Well-
An Effective Response to Opposing Views
A Clear, Logical Organization
“Organized sports for young people have become an institution in North America,” reports sports journalist Steve Silverman, attracting more than 44 million youngsters according to a recent survey by the National Council of Youth Sports. Though many adults regard Little League Baseball and Peewee Football as a basic part of childhood, the games are not always joyous ones. When overzealous parents and coaches impose adult standards on children’s sports, the result can be activities that are neither satisfying nor beneficial to children.
How does Statsky present the issue in a way that prepares readers for her argument?
How does she qualify her position in par. 2?
What reasons does she forecast here, and in which paragraphs does she discuss each reason? Do her reasons appeal primarily to readers’ intellect (logos), to their sense of fairness and what’s credible (ethos), or to their feelings (pathos)?
I am concerned about all organized sports activities for children between the ages of six and twelve. The damage I see results from noncontact as well as contact sports, from sports organized locally as well as those organized nationally. Highly organized competitive sports such as Peewee Football and Little League Baseball are too often played to adult standards, which are developmentally inappropriate for children and can be both physically and psychologically harmful. Furthermore, because they eliminate many children from organized sports before they are ready to compete, they are actually counterproductive for developing either future players or fans. Finally, because they emphasize competition and winning, they unfortunately provide occasions for some parents and coaches to place their own fantasies and needs ahead of children’s welfare.
How does Statsky try to establish the credibility of her sources in pars. 3–5 (ethos)?
One readily understandable danger of overly competitive sports is that they entice children into physical actions that are bad for growing bodies. “There is a growing epidemic of preventable youth sports injuries,” according to the STOP Sports Injuries campaign (“Youth Sports” 2). “Among athletes ages 5 to 14, 28 percent of football players, 25 percent of baseball players, 22 percent of soccer players, 15 percent of basketball players, and 12 percent of softball players were injured while playing their respective sports.” Although Little League Baseball and Softball acknowledges that children do risk injury playing baseball, it insists that “severe injuries . . . are infrequent,” the risk “far less than the risk of riding a skateboard, a bicycle, or even the school bus” (“Little League Parent Responsibilities”). Nevertheless, Leonard Koppett in Sports Illusion, Sports Reality claims that a twelve-
I am strongly opposed to young kids playing tackle football. It is not the right stage of development for them to be taught to crash into other kids. Kids under the age of fourteen are not by nature physical. Their main concern is self-
As Tutko indicates, even when children are not injured, fear of being hurt detracts from their enjoyment of the sport. The Little League ranks fear of injury as the seventh of seven reasons children quit (“Little League Parent Responsibilities”). One mother of an eight-
Why do you think she uses block quotations instead of integrating these quotes into her own sentences?
“Coach, my tummy hurts. I can’t play,” he said. The coach told the player to get back onto the field. “There’s nothing wrong with your stomach,” he said. When the coach turned his head the seven-
Besides physical hazards and anxieties, competitive sports pose psychological dangers for children. Martin Rablovsky, a former sports editor for The New York Times, says that in all his years of watching young children play organized sports, he has noticed very few of them smiling. “I’ve seen children enjoying a spontaneous pre-
How does Statsky try to refute this objection?
Winning and losing may be an inevitable part of adult life, but they should not be part of childhood. Too much competition too early in life can affect a child’s development. Children are easily influenced, and when they sense that their competence and worth are based on their ability to live up to their parents’ and coaches’ high expectations — and on their ability to win — they can become discouraged and depressed. Little League advises parents to “keep winning in perspective,” noting that the most common reasons children give for quitting, aside from change in interest, are lack of playing time, failure and fear of failure, disapproval by significant others, and psychological stress (“Little League Parent Responsibilities”). According to Dr. Glyn C. Roberts, a professor of kinesiology at the Institute of Child Behavior and Development at the University of Illinois, 80 to 90 percent of children who play competitive sports at a young age drop out by sixteen (Kutner).
How effective do you think Statsky’s argument in par. 7 is? Why?
This statistic illustrates another reason I oppose competitive sports for children: because they are so highly selective, very few children get to participate. Far too soon, a few children are singled out for their athletic promise, while many others, who may be on the verge of developing the necessary strength and ability, are screened out and discouraged from trying out again. Like adults, children fear failure, and so even those with good physical skills may stay away because they lack self-
In criticizing some parents’ behavior in pars. 8–9, Statsky risks alienating her readers. How effective is this part of her argument?
Indeed, it is no secret that too often scorekeeping, league standings, and the drive to win bring out the worst in adults who are more absorbed in living out their own fantasies than in enhancing the quality of the experience for children (Smith et al. 9). Recent newspaper articles on children’s sports contain plenty of horror stories. Los Angeles Times reporter Rich Tosches, for example, tells the story of a brawl among seventy-
Although not all parents or coaches behave so inappropriately, the seriousness of the problem is illustrated by the fact that Adelphi University in Garden City, New York, offers a sports psychology workshop for Little League coaches, designed to balance their “animal instincts” with “educational theory” in hopes of reducing the “screaming and hollering,” in the words of Harold Weisman, manager of sixteen Little Leagues in New York City (Schmitt). In a three-
How effective is Statsky’s use of concession and refutation here?
Some parents would no doubt argue that children cannot start too soon preparing to live in a competitive free-
Many people are ready for such an emphasis. In 1988, one New York Little League official who had attended the Adelphi workshop tried to ban scoring from six-
How effectively does Statsky conclude her argument?
Some children want to play competitive sports; they are not being forced to play. These children are eager to learn skills, to enjoy the camaraderie of the team, and earn self-
Are Statsky’s sources adequate to support her position, in number and kind? Has she documented them clearly and accurately?
Works Cited
“The Bad News Pyromaniacs? Fiery Anaheim Little League Manager Is, Rightly, Fired.” Los Angeles Times, 16 June 1990, p. B6,
Bloch, Gordon B. “Thrill of Victory Is Secondary to Fun.” The New York Times, 2 Apr. 1990, p. C12.
Coakley, Jay J. Sport in Society: Issues and Controversies. Mosby, 1982.
Frank, L. “Contributions from Parents and Coaches.” CYB Message Board, AOL, 8 July 1997, Accessed 14 May 2011.
Koppett, Leonard. Sports Illusion, Sports Reality. Houghton Mifflin, 1981.
Kutner, Lawrence. “Parent and Child.” The New York Times, 23 Mar. 1989,
“Little League Parent Responsibilities.” Warwick National Little League 2007 Safety Plan, Little League Baseball and Softball, 17 Apr. 2007,
Schmitt, Eric. “Psychologists Take Seat on Little League Bench.” The New York Times, 14 Mar. 1988, p. B2. LexisNexis Academic,
Silverman, Steve. “The History of Youth Sports.”, Demand Media, 26 May 2011,
Smith, Nathan, et al. Kidsports: A Survival Guide for Parents. Addison-
Tosches, Rich. “Game’s Critics Are Not Amused—
“Youth Sports Injuries Statistics.” STOP Sports Injuries: Community Outreach Toolkit, American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine,