Well before the Crusades, Muslim impressions of the Christians, who they called Franks, were stereotypical and negative. In a word, they were uncivilized barbarians — personally dirty, sexually promiscuous, and allowing their women altogether too much independence. According to one Arab writer of the twelfth century, Europeans were “animals, possessing the virtues of courage and fighting, nothing else.” The Crusades hardened and supplemented such perceptions.
Beyond the trauma of invasion and military defeat during the First Crusade, the very presence of the Christians defiled the sacred spaces of Islam, cutting Muslims off from God. Particularly offensive was the placing of a Christian cross atop the beloved Dome of the Rock. Widely associated with filth, disease, and contamination, the Crusaders were also seen as a threat to the sanctity of Muslim women. Moreover, as Muslims became aware of the fundamentally religious impulses that motivated the Crusaders, their perception of the differences between Islam and Christianity sharpened. The Christian faith seemed to many Muslims absurd and immoral. If Jesus was God, why could he not prevent his own humiliating death? And what kind of god would be born from a woman’s private parts? Both the divinity of Jesus and the doctrine of the Trinity flew in the face of Islam’s firm monotheism.1
One Muslim perspective on the Crusades derives from the writing of the Arab historian Ibn al-
Questions to consider as you examine the source:
Ibn al-
The Complete History, ca. 1231
Jerusalem was taken . . . on the morning of Friday 22 sha’ban 492 / 15 July 1099. The population was put to the sword by the Franks, who pillaged the area for a week. A band of Muslims barricaded themselves into the Tower of David and fought on for several days. They were granted their lives in return for surrendering. The Franks honored their word, and the group left by night. . . .
[Muslim] refugees from Syria reached Baghdad in Ramadan [the month of fasting]. . . . They told the Caliph’s ministers a story that wrung their hearts and brought tears to their eyes. On Friday they went to the Cathedral Mosque and begged for help, weeping so that their hearers wept with them as they described the sufferings of the Muslims in that Holy City: the men killed, the women and children taken prisoner, the homes pillaged. Because of the terrible hardships they had suffered, they were allowed to break the fast. It was the discord between the Muslim princes that enabled the Franks to overrun the country.
[Now al-
When the Franks saw how violently the Muslims were attacking, . . . meeting no resistance, they grew desperate, and their leaders assembled to take counsel. They decided to ask for safe conduct out of the city and to hand Jerusalem over to Saladin. They sent a deputation of their lords and nobles to ask for terms, but when they spoke of it to Saladin he refused to grant their request. “We shall deal with you,” he said, “Just as you dealt with the population of Jerusalem when you took it in 492/1099, with murder and enslavement and other such savageries!” The messengers returned empty handed. Then Balian ibn Barzan [an important French noble in the Crusader Kingdom of Jerusalem] asked for safe-
Finally, despairing of this approach, Balian said: “Know, O Sultan, that there are very many of us in this city, God alone knows how many. At the moment we are fighting half-
Then Saladin took counsel with his advisers, all of whom were in favour of his granting the assurances requested by the Franks, without forcing them to take extreme measures whose outcome could not be foreseen. “Let us consider them as being already our prisoners,” they said, “and allow them to ransom themselves on terms agreed between us.” The Sultan agreed to give the Franks assurances of safety on the understanding that each man, rich and poor alike, should pay ten dinar, children of both sexes two dinar and women five dinar. All who paid this sum within forty days should go free, and those who had not paid at the end of the time should be enslaved. Balian ibn Barzan offered 30,000 dinar as ransom for the poor, which was accepted, and the city surrendered on Friday 27 rajab / 2 October 1187, a memorable day on which the Muslim flags were hoisted over the walls of Jerusalem. . . .
The Grand Patriarch of the Franks left the city with the treasures from the Dome of the Rock, the Masjid al-
At the top of the cupola of the Dome of the Rock there was a great gilded cross. When the Muslims entered the city on the Friday, some of them climbed to the top of the cupola to take down the cross. When they reached the top a great cry went up from the city and from outside the walls, the Muslims crying the Allah akbar in their joy, the Franks groaning in consternation and grief. So loud and piercing was the cry that the earth shook.
[Another Muslim historian, Imad ad-
When Saladin accepted the surrender of Jerusalem, he ordered the mihrab [a niche in a mosque which points toward Mecca] to be uncovered. . . .
Source: Francesco Gabrieli, Arab Historians of the Crusades (trans. E. J. Costello) (New York: Routledge, 2010), pp. 6–