Source 19.2

The Debate: Expel the Barbarians

The arrival of United States admiral Matthew Perry in 1853, demanding that the country open to foreign commerce and navigation, brought to a head the question of Japan’s isolationist policy and prompted a considerable debate in Japanese circles. Advocating forceful expulsion of the Americans and sharply opposing any treaty with them was Tokugawa Nariaki, the daimyo, or ruler, of a domain on the eastern coast of Japan.

Questions to consider as you examine the source:

Tokugawa Nariaki

Memorial on the American Demand for a Treaty, 1853

It is my belief that the first and most urgent of our tasks is for the Bakufu [government of the shogun] to make its choice between peace and war. . . . [I]f we put our trust in war, the whole country’s morale will be increased and even if we sustain an initial defeat, we will in the end expel the foreigner. . . . [W]e must never choose the policy of peace. . . .

Although our country’s territory is not extensive, foreigners both fear and respect us. That, after all, is because our resoluteness and military prowess have been clearly demonstrated to the world. . . . Despite this, the Americans who arrived recently, though fully aware of the Bakufu’s prohibition, entered Uraga displaying a white flag as a symbol of peace and insisted on presenting their written request. Moreover they entered Edo Bay, fired heavy guns in salute and even went so far as to conduct surveys without permission. They were arrogant and discourteous, their actions an outrage. Indeed, this was the greatest disgrace we have suffered since the dawn of our history. . . . The foreigners, having thus ignored our prohibition and penetrated our waters even to the vicinity of the capital, threatening us and making demands upon us, should it happen not only the Bakufu fails to expel them but also that it concludes an agreement in accordance with their requests, then I fear it would be impossible to maintain our national prestige.

The prohibition of Christianity is the first rule of the Tokugawa [government]. . . . The Bakufu can never ignore or overlook the evils of Christianity. Yet if the Americans are allowed to come again this religion will inevitably raise its head once more, however strict the prohibition and this, I fear, is something we could never justify to the spirits of our ancestors.

To exchange our valuable articles like gold, silver, copper, and iron for useless foreign goods like woolens and satin is to incur great loss while acquiring not the smallest benefit. . . .

For some years Russia, England, and others have sought trade with us, but the Bakufu has not permitted it. Should permission be granted to the Americans, on what ground would it be possible to refuse if Russia and the others [again] request it?

It is widely stated that [apart from trade] the foreigners have no other evil designs and that if only the Bakufu will permit trade there will be no further difficulty. However, it is their practice first to seek a foothold by means of trade and then to go on to propagate Christianity and make other unreasonable demands. Thus we would be repeating the blunders of others . . . and more recently in the Opium War in China.

[I]f the people of Japan stand firmly united, if we complete our military preparations and return to the state of society that existed before the middle ages [when the emperor ruled the country directly], then we will even be able to go out against foreign countries and spread abroad our fame and prestige. But if we open trade at the demand of the foreigners, for no better reason than that, our habits today being those of peace and indolence, men have shown fear merely at the coming of a handful of foreign warships, then it would truly be a vain illusion to think of evolving any long-range plan for going out against foreign countries.

I hear that all, even though they be commoners, who have witnessed the recent actions of the foreigners, think them abominable. Since even ignorant commoners are talking in this way, I fear that if the Bakufu does not decide to carry out expulsion, if its handling of the matter shows nothing but excess of leniency and appeasement of the foreigners, then the lower orders may fail to understand its ideas and hence opposition might arise from evil men who have lost their respect for Bakufu authority. . . .

[I]f the Bakufu, now and henceforward, shows itself resolute for expulsion, the immediate effect will be to increase ten-fold the morale of the country . . . only by so doing will the shogun be able to fulfill his “barbarian-expelling” duty and unite the men of every province in carrying out their proper military functions. . . .

In these feeble days men tend to cling to peace; they are not fond of defending their country by war. They slander those of us who are determined to fight, calling us lovers of war, men who enjoy conflict. If matters become desperate they might, in their enormous folly, try to overthrow those of us who are determined to fight, offering excuses to the enemy and concluding a peace agreement with him. They would thus in the end bring total destruction upon us.

Source: William G. Beasley, trans. and ed., Selected Documents on Japanese Foreign Policy, 1853–1868 (London: Oxford University Press, 1955), 778 words from 102–7. Used by permission of Oxford University Press.