Draw Conclusions from the Evidence for Thinking through Sources 20


This exercise asks you to assess the relationship between conclusions and evidence. Identify which of the following conclusions are supported by the specific piece of evidence. Click yes for those pieces of evidence that support the conclusion and no for those that do not.

Conclusion A

War reinforced or promoted loyalty to the established order.

  1. Question 20.17

    Evidence 1: “I am sorry the hatred between Europeans and Indians is increasing instead of decreasing, and I am sure that the fault is not with the Indians.” — Source 20.1D: Behari Lal, Letter from a Soldier in the British Army

    Evidence 1: “I am sorry the hatred between Europeans and Indians is increasing instead of decreasing, and I am sure that the fault is not with the Indians.” — Source 20.1D: Behari Lal, Letter from a Soldier in the British Army


  2. Question 20.18

    Evidence 2: “War hardens one’s heart and blunts one’s feelings, making a man indifferent to everything that formerly affected and moved him.” — Source 20.1C: Hugo Mueller, Letter from a German Soldier on the Western Front”

    Evidence 2: “War hardens one’s heart and blunts one’s feelings, making a man indifferent to everything that formerly affected and moved him.” — Source 20.1C: Hugo Mueller, Letter from a German Soldier on the Western Front”


  3. Question 20.19

    Evidence 3: “When we heard . . . that no one from the educated classes had yet volunteered, and that hundreds of workers were urgently required . . . I volunteered for duty immediately.” — Source 20.2C: Editha Von Krell, Recollections of Four Months Working in a German Munitions Factory

    Evidence 3: “When we heard . . . that no one from the educated classes had yet volunteered, and that hundreds of workers were urgently required . . . I volunteered for duty immediately.” — Source 20.2C: Editha Von Krell, Recollections of Four Months Working in a German Munitions Factory


  4. Question 20.20

    Evidence 4: The poster Women of Britain Say — “Go!” in Source 20.2A

    Evidence 4: The poster Women of Britain Say — “Go!” in Source 20.2A


Conclusion B

War led to the challenging or criticizing of the established order.

  1. Question 20.21

    Evidence 1: Otto Dix’s image of war veterans on a street in Prague in Source 20.3A: Otto Dix, Prague Street

    Evidence 1: Otto Dix’s image of war veterans on a street in Prague in Source 20.3A: Otto Dix, Prague Street


  2. Question 20.22

    Evidence 2: “I . . . came upon a crowd of several thousand men and women who were howling loudly and pushing the policemen aside. . . . [T]he crowd had already stormed several buttershops because of the prices.” — Source 20.2D: Berlin Police Reports

    Evidence 2: “I . . . came upon a crowd of several thousand men and women who were howling loudly and pushing the policemen aside. . . . [T]he crowd had already stormed several buttershops because of the prices.” — Source 20.2D: Berlin Police Reports


  3. Question 20.23

    Evidence 3: “I went back at a sort of galloping crawl to our lines and sent a message to the 10th that the Germans were moving up their way in some numbers. Half an hour afterward, they attacked the 10th and our right, in massed formation, advancing slowly to within 10 yards of the trenches. We simply mowed them down. It was rather horrible.” —Source 20.1A: Julian Grenfell, Letter from a British Officer in the Trenches

    Evidence 3: “I went back at a sort of galloping crawl to our lines and sent a message to the 10th that the Germans were moving up their way in some numbers. Half an hour afterward, they attacked the 10th and our right, in massed formation, advancing slowly to within 10 yards of the trenches. We simply mowed them down. It was rather horrible.” —Source 20.1A: Julian Grenfell, Letter from a British Officer in the Trenches


  4. Question 20.24

    Evidence 4: Let no tears add to their hardships / As the soldiers pass along,And although your heart is breaking / Make it sing this cheery songKeep the Home Fires Burning / While your hearts are yearning.—Source 20.2B: Keep the Home Fires Burning

    Evidence 4: Let no tears add to their hardships / As the soldiers pass along,And although your heart is breaking / Make it sing this cheery songKeep the Home Fires Burning / While your hearts are yearning.—Source 20.2B: Keep the Home Fires Burning
