This exercise asks you to assess the relationship between conclusions and evidence. Identify which of the following conclusions are supported by the specific piece of evidence. Click yes for those pieces of evidence that support the conclusion and no for those that do not.
Conclusion A
Reform movements were expressed as a return to a purer, more authentic past through the elimination of false traditions or practices.
Evidence 1: The yoga scene drawn to illustrate The Ocean of Life in Source 15.7: Religious Syncretism in Indian Art
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Evidence 2: “The state of celibacy [among Catholic clergy] is great hypocrisy and wickedness. . . .
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Evidence 3: “We razed all the large tombs in the city which the people generally worshipped and believed in, and by which they hoped to obtain benefits or ward off evil.” — Source 15.5: The Wahhabi Perspective on Islam
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Evidence 4: The smashing of saints statues in Source 15.2: Calvinism and Catholicism
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Conclusion B
Reformers directly challenged existing political or religious authorities.
Evidence 1: Your Lord is near: yet you are climbing the palm-
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Evidence 2: “If we cast an eye at the existing state of the globe, we will see right away that in Europe the principles of the French constitution are already those of all enlightened men. We will see that they are too widely disseminated and too openly professed for the efforts of tyrants and priests to prevent them from penetrating into the hovels of slaves.” — Source 15.3: Progress and Enlightenment
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Evidence 3: The scientist conducting the experiment in Source 15.4: Art and Enlightenment
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Evidence 4: “No greater mischief can happen to a Christian people, than to have God’s Word taken from them, or falsified, so that they no longer have it pure and clear. The ungodly papists prefer the authority of the church far above God’s Word; a blasphemy abominable and not to be endured; wherewith, void of all shame and piety, they spit in God’s face.” — Source 15.1: Luther’s Protest
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Conclusion C
Reform movements often blended older wisdom traditions together or rejected the idea that there was a single pathway to spiritual fulfillment.
Evidence 1: It is needless to ask of a saint the caste to which he belongs;For the priest, the warrior, the tradesman, and all the thirty-
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Evidence 2: The children observing the experiment in Source 15.4: Art and Enlightenment
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Evidence 3: “He that goes from the gospel to the law, thinking to be saved by good works, falls as uneasily as he who falls from the true service of God to idolatry; for, without Christ, all is idolatry and fictitious imaginings of God, whether of the Turkish Koran [Quran], of the pope’s decrees, or Moses’ law.” — Source 15.1: Luther’s Protest
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Evidence 4: The yoga scene drawn to illustrate The Ocean of Life in Source 15.7: Religious Syncretism in Indian Art
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