Draw Conclusions from the Evidence for Thinking through Sources 17
This exercise asks you to assess the relationship between conclusions and evidence. Identify which of the following conclusions are supported by the specific piece of evidence. Click yes for those pieces of evidence that support the conclusion and no for those that do not.
The working classes toiled in difficult, often dangerous, working conditions.
Evidence 1: The testimony of Elizabeth Bentley in Source 17.1: The Experience of an English Factory Worker
Evidence 1: The testimony of Elizabeth Bentley in Source 17.1: The Experience of an English Factory Worker
Evidence 2: The image Capital and Labour reproduced as Source 17.7: Inequality
Evidence 2: The image Capital and Labour reproduced as Source 17.7: Inequality
Evidence 3: Source 17.3: Another View of Factory Life
Evidence 3: Source 17.3: Another View of Factory Life
Many members of the new working class wished to return to a simpler preindustrial time before the emergence of factory wage labor.
Evidence 1: The sentiments expressed in “The Internationale” anthem in Source 17.5: Protest and Song
Evidence 1: The sentiments expressed in “The Internationale” anthem in Source 17.5: Protest and Song
Evidence 2: The testimony of William Harter in Source 17.1: The Experience of an English Factory Worker
Evidence 2: The testimony of William Harter in Source 17.1: The Experience of an English Factory Worker
Evidence 3: The sentiments expressed in Source 17.4: A Weaver’s Lament
Evidence 3: The sentiments expressed in Source 17.4: A Weaver’s Lament
The middle and upper classes lived largely separately from the working classes and the poor.
Evidence 1: Friedrich Engels’s description of Manchester in Source 17.2: Urban Living Conditions
Evidence 1: Friedrich Engels’s description of Manchester in Source 17.2: Urban Living Conditions
Evidence 2: The depiction of rail travel in Source 17.6: Railroads and the Middle Class
Evidence 2: The depiction of rail travel in Source 17.6: Railroads and the Middle Class
Evidence 3: The depiction of the rich and poor in Source 17.7: Capital and Labour
Evidence 3: The depiction of the rich and poor in Source 17.7: Capital and Labour