Organize the Evidence for Thinking through Sources 19

The following exercises provide an opportunity to use the sources collectively to respond to a guiding question.

Guiding Question

Based on the evidence in this collection, how would you compare the variety of responses to the West current in Japanese society during the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries?


Below are four topics that might find a place in organizing an essay responding to the guiding question. This exercise asks you to identify which sources would provide relevant evidence for that topic. Select the best answers for each question. Choose ALL that apply.

Click the “submit” button for each question to turn in your work.

  1. Question 19.33

    Which of the sources envision a Japan completely isolated from the West? Choose ALL that apply.
    A. Source 19.1: Continuing Japanese Isolation
    B. Source 19.2: The Debate: Expel the Barbarians
    C. Source 19.5: Westernization
    D. Source 19.6: A Critique of Westernization
    E. Source 19.7: War and Empire
    F. Source 19.8: Japan in the Early Twentieth Century
    Correct: Source 19.1: This decree orders that all Western ships be driven from the shores of Japan to maintain Japan’s isolation. Source 19.2: Nariaki calls for armed resistance to any encroachment on Japanese isolation by Western interests. Source 19.5: This source depicts Japanese figures in Western dress playing Western instruments. Source 19.6: While the image is a critique of the tendency of Japan to unthinkingly copy Western fashions, it does not depict complete isolation, instead lamenting excessive Western influence. Source 19.7: This source celebrates the Japanese military victory over the Russians, which was part of a wider policy of engagement in imperial competition with outside powers. Source 19.8: This source celebrates the advances made by Japan in the fifty years since it ended its isolation.
    Incorrect: Source 19.1: This decree orders that all Western ships be driven from the shores of Japan to maintain Japan’s isolation. Source 19.2: Nariaki calls for armed resistance to any encroachment on Japanese isolation by Western interests. Source 19.5: This source depicts Japanese figures in Western dress playing Western instruments. Source 19.6: While the image is a critique of the tendency of Japan to unthinkingly copy Western fashions, it does not depict complete isolation, instead lamenting excessive Western influence. Source 19.7: This source celebrates the Japanese military victory over the Russians, which was part of a wider policy of engagement in imperial competition with outside powers. Source 19.8: This source celebrates the advances made by Japan in the fifty years since it ended its isolation.
  2. Question 19.34

    Which of the sources advocate active resistance to Western encroachment or aggression against Japan? Choose ALL that apply.
    A. Source 19.1: Continuing Japanese Isolation
    B. Source 19.3: The Debate: A Sumo Wrestler and a Foreigner
    C. Source 19.4: The Debate: Eastern Ethics and Western Science
    D. Source 19.5: Westernization
    E. Source 19.6: A Critique of Westernization
    F. Source 19.8: Japan in the Early Twentieth Century
    Correct: Source 19.1: This decree commands that Westerners attempting to land on Japanese shores should be driven away using force if necessary. Source 19.3: This source is a metaphor for active resistance to Western encroachment. Source 19.4: Sakuma advocates for the reorganization of the coastal defense forces so that they are better prepared to repel Western incursions. Source 19.6: This source opposes encroachment of Western fashion into Japanese society and mocks Japanese who copy Western fashions. Source 19.5: This source makes no reference to resistance, instead depicting women in Western dress. Source 19.8: This source focuses on the benefits of interaction with the West, not on countering its aggressions.
    Incorrect: Source 19.1: This decree commands that Westerners attempting to land on Japanese shores should be driven away using force if necessary. Source 19.3: This source is a metaphor for active resistance to Western encroachment. Source 19.4: Sakuma advocates for the reorganization of the coastal defense forces so that they are better prepared to repel Western incursions. Source 19.6: This source opposes encroachment of Western fashion into Japanese society and mocks Japanese who copy Western fashions. Source 19.5: This source makes no reference to resistance, instead depicting women in Western dress. Source 19.8: This source focuses on the benefits of interaction with the West, not on countering its aggressions.
  3. Question 19.35

    Which sources provide evidence that some in Japan believed that the country would benefit or had benefited from at least some engagement with the West. Choose ALL that apply.
    A. Source 19.1: Continuing Japanese Isolation
    B. Source 19.2: Memorial on the American Demand of a Treaty
    C. Source 19.3: The Debate: A Sumo Wrestler and a Foreigner
    D. Source 19.4: The Debate: Eastern Ethics and Western Science
    E. Source 19.5: Women and Westernization
    F. Source 19.8: Japan in the Early Twentieth Century
    Correct: Source 19.4: Sakuma advocates some limited contact with the West to learn from Western advances in such fields as science and mathematics. Source 19.5: This source depicts in a positive manner Japanese women in Western dress playing Western instruments. Source 19.8: This ssource celebrates the accomplishments made possible through engagement with Western thought and culture. Source 19.1: This decree bans any contact with Western thought and culture. Source 19.2: Nariaki calls for armed resistance as the best means of sustaining isolation from the West. Source 19.3: This source depicts the defeat of Western influence, not engagement with it.
    Incorrect: Source 19.4: Sakuma advocates some limited contact with the West to learn from Western advances in such fields as science and mathematics. Source 19.5: This source depicts in a positive manner Japanese women in Western dress playing Western instruments. Source 19.8: This ssource celebrates the accomplishments made possible through engagement with Western thought and culture. Source 19.1: This decree bans any contact with Western thought and culture. Source 19.2: Nariaki calls for armed resistance as the best means of sustaining isolation from the West. Source 19.3: This source depicts the defeat of Western influence, not engagement with it.
  4. Question 19.36

    Which sources provide evidence that some Japanese viewed their country in the nineteenth century as behind the West, needing to “catch up”? Choose ALL that apply.
    A. Source 19.2: The Debate: Expel the Barbarians
    B. Source 19.3: The Debate: A Sumo Wrestler and a Foreigner
    C. Source 19.4: The Debate: Eastern Ethics and Western Science
    D. Source 19.5: Westernization
    E. Source 19.7: War and Empire
    F. Source 19.8: Japan in the Early Twentieth Century
    Correct: Source 19.4: Sakuma argues that Japan needs to selectively learn from the West, especially in the fields of science and mathematics, in order to catch up with it. Source 19.8: This source acknowledges the extraordinary modernization of Japan made possible by adopting Western ideas and models. Source 19.2: Nariaki argues that Japan can keep Westerners from encroaching on Japanese soil without “catching up.” Source 19.3: This source depicts the Japanese as able to defeat Westerners without “catching up.” Source 19.5: This image of Japanese women in Western dress and playing Western instruments reveals Western influence, but offers no evidence that these Western adoptions were made because Japan was behind the West and needed to “catch up.” Source 19.7: This source celebrates Japanese military success, but says little about the reforms that modernized the military along Western lines.
    Incorrect: Source 19.4: Sakuma argues that Japan needs to selectively learn from the West, especially in the fields of science and mathematics, in order to catch up with it. Source 19.8: This source acknowledges the extraordinary modernization of Japan made possible by adopting Western ideas and models. Source 19.2: Nariaki argues that Japan can keep Westerners from encroaching on Japanese soil without “catching up.” Source 19.3: This source depicts the Japanese as able to defeat Westerners without “catching up.” Source 19.5: This image of Japanese women in Western dress and playing Western instruments reveals Western influence, but offers no evidence that these Western adoptions were made because Japan was behind the West and needed to “catch up.” Source 19.7: This source celebrates Japanese military success, but says little about the reforms that modernized the military along Western lines.