Organize the Evidence for Thinking through Sources 21

The following exercises provide an opportunity to use the sources collectively to respond to a guiding question.

Guiding Question

What positive and negative aspects of Stalinism are revealed in these sources?


Below are five topics that might find a place in organizing an essay responding to the guiding question. This exercise asks you to identify which sources would provide relevant evidence for that topic. Select the best answers for each question. Choose ALL that apply.

Click the “submit” button for each question to turn in your work.

  1. Question 21.31

    Which sources provide evidence for efforts to transform Russia’s agricultural sector? Choose ALL that apply.
    A. Source 21.1: Stalin on Stalinism
    B. Source 21.2: Collectivization: A Stalinist Vision
    C. Source 21.3: Living through Collectivization
    D. Source 21.4: Industrialization and Religion: A Stalinist Vision
    E. Source 21.5: Living through Stalinist Industrialization
    F. Source 21.6: Living through the Stalinist Terror
    Correct: Source 21.1: Stalin offers a very positive assessment of initiatives to collectivize Soviet agriculture. Source 21.2: This propaganda poster depicts an idealized vision of the Soviet harvest. Source 21.3: These three selections provide generally critical assessments of Soviet efforts to collectivize agriculture. Source 21.4: This source focuses exclusively on industrial workers. Source 21.5: These selections focus on the industrial rather than the agricultural sector of the Soviet economy. Source 21.6: None of these sources shed any light on Soviet agriculture, instead focusing on the arrest and punishment of individuals who were perceived as threats to the state.
    Incorrect: Source 21.1: Stalin offers a very positive assessment of initiatives to collectivize Soviet agriculture. Source 21.2: This propaganda poster depicts an idealized vision of the Soviet harvest. Source 21.3: These three selections provide generally critical assessments of Soviet efforts to collectivize agriculture. Source 21.4: This source focuses exclusively on industrial workers. Source 21.5: These selections focus on the industrial rather than the agricultural sector of the Soviet economy. Source 21.6: None of these sources shed any light on Soviet agriculture, instead focusing on the arrest and punishment of individuals who were perceived as threats to the state.
  2. Question 21.32

    Which sources provide evidence for efforts to industrialize Russia’s economy? Choose ALL that apply.
    A. Source 21.1: Stalin on Stalinism
    B. Source 21.2: Collectivization: A Stalinist Vision
    C. Source 21.3: Living through Collectivization
    D. Source 21.4: Industrialization and Religion: A Stalinist Vision
    E. Source 21.5: Living through Stalinist Industrialization
    F. Source 21.6: Living through the Stalinist Terror
    Correct: Source 21.1: Stalin offers a very positive assessment of initiatives to industrialize the Soviet Union. Source 21.2: This source emphasizes the importance of industry to the modernization of Soviet agriculture, and industry’s reliance on agriculture to feed its workers. Source 21.3C: This source offers insight into the factors that motivated individuals to leave collective farms to work in the industrial sector of the economy. Source 21.4: This source reveals Soviet concerns that religion and alcoholism hurt Soviet industrial production. Source 21.5: All of these sources focus on the experiences of individuals who worked in Soviet industry. Source 21.6: None of these sources shed any light on Soviet industry, instead focusing on the arrest and punishment of individuals who were perceived as threats to the state.
    Incorrect: Source 21.1: Stalin offers a very positive assessment of initiatives to industrialize the Soviet Union. Source 21.2: This source emphasizes the importance of industry to the modernization of Soviet agriculture, and industry’s reliance on agriculture to feed its workers. Source 21.3C: This source offers insight into the factors that motivated individuals to leave collective farms to work in the industrial sector of the economy. Source 21.4: This source reveals Soviet concerns that religion and alcoholism hurt Soviet industrial production. Source 21.5: All of these sources focus on the experiences of individuals who worked in Soviet industry. Source 21.6: None of these sources shed any light on Soviet industry, instead focusing on the arrest and punishment of individuals who were perceived as threats to the state.
  3. Question 21.33

    Which sources provide evidence of official corruption or the oppressive aspects of Stalin’s rule? Choose ALL that apply.
    A. Source 21.1: Stalin on Stalinism
    B. Source 21.2: Collectivization: A Stalinist Vision
    C. Source 21.3: Living through Collectivization
    D. Source 21.4: Industrialization and Religion: A Stalinist Vision
    E. Source 21.5: Living through Stalinist Industrialization
    F. Source 21.6: Living through the Stalinist Terror
    Correct: Source 21.1: In his speech, Stalin identifies the kulaks as a group that had been routed but needed to be dealt a final blow. Source 21.3: Source 21.3A details the ostracism and material losses suffered by a kulak family. Source 21.5: Sources 21.5D and 21.5E both identify official corruption as a problem in the Soviet system. Source 21.6: All three selections focus on the punishment of individuals perceived as threats to the state. Source 21.2: This idealized image of a collective farm offers no evidence concerning the oppressiveness of Stalin’s rule. Source 21.4: This source sheds little light on the oppressiveness of Stalin’s rule; instead, it was produced by a temperance society and is meant to persuade factory workers to make changes in their lives.
    Incorrect: Source 21.1: In his speech, Stalin identifies the kulaks as a group that had been routed but needed to be dealt a final blow. Source 21.3: Source 21.3A details the ostracism and material losses suffered by a kulak family. Source 21.5: Sources 21.5D and 21.5E both identify official corruption as a problem in the Soviet system. Source 21.6: All three selections focus on the punishment of individuals perceived as threats to the state. Source 21.2: This idealized image of a collective farm offers no evidence concerning the oppressiveness of Stalin’s rule. Source 21.4: This source sheds little light on the oppressiveness of Stalin’s rule; instead, it was produced by a temperance society and is meant to persuade factory workers to make changes in their lives.
  4. Question 21.34

    Which sources provide evidence of how an idealized Stalinist future might look? Choose ALL that apply.
    A. Source 21.1: Stalin on Stalinism
    B. Source 21.2: Collectivization: A Stalinist Vision
    C. Source 21.3: Living through Collectivization
    D. Source 21.4: Industrialization and Religion: A Stalinist Vision
    E. Source 21.5: Living through Stalinist Industrialization
    F. Source 21.6: Living through the Stalinist Terror
    Correct: Source 21.2: This propaganda poster offers an idealized image of a fully collectivized agricultural operation after industrialization has provided the farm with the tools needed to operate in a modern fashion. Source 21.4: The right-hand panel of this poster offers an idealized vision of Soviet industry in the future when religion and alcoholism are banished from society. Source 21.1: While positive, this assessment looks backwards over the previous five years, not forward to an idealized future. Source 21.3: These sources all focus on the problems associated with collectivized agriculture. Source 21.5: These sources do not focus on the future. Source 21.6: These sources describe the experiences of individuals swept up in the Terror, not an ideal future.
    Incorrect: Source 21.2: This propaganda poster offers an idealized image of a fully collectivized agricultural operation after industrialization has provided the farm with the tools needed to operate in a modern fashion. Source 21.4: The right-hand panel of this poster offers an idealized vision of Soviet industry in the future when religion and alcoholism are banished from society. Source 21.1: While positive, this assessment looks backwards over the previous five years, not forward to an idealized future. Source 21.3: These sources all focus on the problems associated with collectivized agriculture. Source 21.5: These sources do not focus on the future. Source 21.6: These sources describe the experiences of individuals swept up in the Terror, not an ideal future.
  5. Question 21.35

    Which sources contain evidence of the positive impact of Stalinism on the lives of ordinary citizens in Stalin’s USSR? Choose ALL that apply.
    A. Source 21.1: Stalin on Stalinism
    B. Source 21.2: Collectivization: A Stalinist Vision
    C. Source 21.3: Living through Collectivization
    D. Source 21.4: Industrialization and Religion: A Stalinist Vision
    E. Source 21.5: Living through Stalinist Industrialization
    F. Source 21.6: Living through the Stalinist Terror
    Correct: Source 21.1: Stalin emphasizes the secure jobs in both industry and agriculture that average citizens enjoyed because of the first five-year plan. Source 21.5: Source 21.5A is the account of a Tatar electrician who comments on the unprecedented work opportunities that he enjoyed under Stalinism. Source 21.5B is the account of an engineer who speaks of his personal pride and his sense of accomplishment in working in Soviet industry. Source 21.2: This source reflects an imagined idealized collective farm and thus sheds little light on the lives of actual farmers. Source 21.3: These selections reflect the persecution of kulaks and the suffering of farmers on collective farms. Source 21.4: This source contrasts an imagined industrial sector free of religion and alcoholism with its current corrupted state and thus sheds little light on the lives of actual industrial workers. Source 21.6: These sources describe the experiences of individuals swept up in the Terror, none of which were positive.
    Incorrect: Source 21.1: Stalin emphasizes the secure jobs in both industry and agriculture that average citizens enjoyed because of the first five-year plan. Source 21.5: Source 21.5A is the account of a Tatar electrician who comments on the unprecedented work opportunities that he enjoyed under Stalinism. Source 21.5B is the account of an engineer who speaks of his personal pride and his sense of accomplishment in working in Soviet industry. Source 21.2: This source reflects an imagined idealized collective farm and thus sheds little light on the lives of actual farmers. Source 21.3: These selections reflect the persecution of kulaks and the suffering of farmers on collective farms. Source 21.4: This source contrasts an imagined industrial sector free of religion and alcoholism with its current corrupted state and thus sheds little light on the lives of actual industrial workers. Source 21.6: These sources describe the experiences of individuals swept up in the Terror, none of which were positive.