Draw Conclusions from the Evidence for Thinking through Sources 21


This exercise asks you to assess the relationship between conclusions and evidence. Identify which of the following conclusions are supported by the specific piece of evidence. Click yes for those pieces of evidence that support the conclusion and no for those that do not.

Conclusion A

Some individuals found opportunities for personal advancement in the Soviet Union under Stalin.

  1. Question 21.36

    Evidence 1: The experience of the Tatar electrician in Source 21.5A

    Evidence 1: The experience of the Tatar electrician in Source 21.5A


  2. Question 21.37

    Evidence 2: Source 21.2’s idealized depiction of collectivized agriculture

    Evidence 2: Source 21.2’s idealized depiction of collectivized agriculture


  3. Question 21.38

    Evidence 3: The experience of the kulak Anna Akimovna Dubova in Source 21.3A

    Evidence 3: The experience of the kulak Anna Akimovna Dubova in Source 21.3A


Conclusion B

Some groups and individuals suffered terribly in the Soviet Union under Stalin.

  1. Question 21.39

    Evidence 1: Stalin’s discussion of kulaks in his assessment of the first five-year plan in Source 21.1: Stalin on Stalinism

    Evidence 1: Stalin’s discussion of kulaks in his assessment of the first five-year plan in Source 21.1: Stalin on Stalinism


  2. Question 21.40

    Evidence 2: The experience of the unnamed engineer in Source 21.5B: Newspaper Commentary by an Engineer

    Evidence 2: The experience of the unnamed engineer in Source 21.5B: Newspaper Commentary by an Engineer


  3. Question 21.41

    Evidence 3: The experience of Inna Shikheeva-Gaister in Source 21.6C: Sending a Parcel

    Evidence 3: The experience of Inna Shikheeva-Gaister in Source 21.6C: Sending a Parcel


Conclusion C

Socialist ideals and values were betrayed or perverted during Stalin’s rule.

  1. Question 21.42

    Evidence 1: The assessment of the success of industrialization offered by the factory worker in Source 21.5E: Two Comments from Factory Workers Found in Soviet Archives

    Evidence 1: The assessment of the success of industrialization offered by the factory worker in Source 21.5E: Two Comments from Factory Workers Found in Soviet Archives


  2. Question 21.43

    Evidence 2: The assessment of access to higher education offered in Source 21.5D: Letter from a Student to his Teacher

    Evidence 2: The assessment of access to higher education offered in Source 21.5D: Letter from a Student to his Teacher


  3. Question 21.44

    Evidence 3: The Religion Is the Enemy of Industrialization image in Source 21.4: Industrialization and Religion: A Stalinist Vision

    Evidence 3: The Religion Is the Enemy of Industrialization image in Source 21.4: Industrialization and Religion: A Stalinist Vision


Conclusion D

The fundamental goals of Stalinism, including industrialization, collectivization of agriculture, and the creation of a society without privileged elite classes, were largely achieved during the 1930s.

  1. Question 21.45

    Evidence 1: The assessment of the state of collective farms in Source 21.3C: Leaving the Collective Farms

    Evidence 1: The assessment of the state of collective farms in Source 21.3C: Leaving the Collective Farms


  2. Question 21.46

    Evidence 2: The assessment of the first five-year plan in Source 21.1: Stalin on Stalinism

    Evidence 2: The assessment of the first five-year plan in Source 21.1: Stalin on Stalinism


  3. Question 21.47

    Evidence 3: The assessment of collectivized farming offered in Source 21.3: Living through Collectivization

    Evidence 3: The assessment of collectivized farming offered in Source 21.3: Living through Collectivization
