Organize the Evidence for Thinking through Sources 22

The following exercises provide an opportunity to use the sources collectively to respond to a guiding question.

Guiding Question

Movements of national independence can be defined by the various pasts from which people were escaping as well as the various futures to which they were aspiring. With these two criteria in mind, what similarities and what differences can you identify among the movements described in these sources?


Below are four topics that might find a place in organizing an essay responding to the guiding question. This exercise asks you to identify which sources would provide relevant evidence for that topic. Select the best answers for each question. Choose ALL that apply.

Click the “submit” button for each question to turn in your work.

  1. Question 22.29

    Which sources provide evidence that societies faced significant challenges following independence? Choose ALL that apply.
    A. Source 22.1: Declaring Vietnam’s Independence
    B. Source 22.3: India’s “Tryst with Destiny”
    C. Source 22.4: Another View of India’s Struggle for Independence
    D. Source 22.5: One Africa
    E. Source 22.6: South African “Independence”
    F. Source 22.7: Independence as a Threat
    Correct: Source 22.3: Nehru notes that ethnic and religious tensions in India could threaten independence. Source 22.5: Nkrumah argues that unless Africa unites it will fail to meet the expectations that accompany independence. Source 22.7: Bishop Alvim Pereira anticipates a number of challenges, such as the growth of Islam and communism, that African societies will face if independence is achieved prematurely. Source 22.1: This source offers no indication of potential troubles faced by an independent Vietnam. Source 22.4: This source was created before independence and offers no indication of the potential challenges posed by a post-independence world. Source 22.6: This source offers no evidence of significant challenges, instead depicting an orderly election process.
    Incorrect: Source 22.3: Nehru notes that ethnic and religious tensions in India could threaten independence. Source 22.5: Nkrumah argues that unless Africa unites it will fail to meet the expectations that accompany independence. Source 22.7: Bishop Alvim Pereira anticipates a number of challenges, such as the growth of Islam and communism, that African societies will face if independence is achieved prematurely. Source 22.1: This source offers no indication of potential troubles faced by an independent Vietnam. Source 22.4: This source was created before independence and offers no indication of the potential challenges posed by a post-independence world. Source 22.6: This source offers no evidence of significant challenges, instead depicting an orderly election process.
  2. Question 22.30

    Which sources provide evidence on the iniquities of colonial government or the struggle for freedom? Choose ALL that apply.
    A. Source 22.1: Declaring Vietnam’s Independence
    B. Source 22.2: Vietnam’s Independence: Fifty Years Later
    C. Source 22.3: India’s “Tryst with Destiny”
    D. Source 22.4: Another View of India’s Struggle for Independence
    E. Source 22.5: One Africa
    F. Source 22.6: South African “Independence”
    Correct: Source 22.1: Most of this source recounts the injustices suffered by the Vietnamese people under French and Japanese rule. Source 22.4: This source focuses on the struggle to free India from British colonial rule. Source 22.5: Nkrumah focuses on the future, but he does discuss how colonial rule fragmented African societies and stunted economic development before independence. Source 22.2: This source celebrates the post-independence accomplishments of the Vietnamese. Source 22.3: Nehru looks to the future, not the past, in this speech. Source 22.6: This source focuses on the future by depicting the elections that underpinned the new post-apartheid political system in South Africa.
    Incorrect: Source 22.1: Most of this source recounts the injustices suffered by the Vietnamese people under French and Japanese rule. Source 22.4: This source focuses on the struggle to free India from British colonial rule. Source 22.5: Nkrumah focuses on the future, but he does discuss how colonial rule fragmented African societies and stunted economic development before independence. Source 22.2: This source celebrates the post-independence accomplishments of the Vietnamese. Source 22.3: Nehru looks to the future, not the past, in this speech. Source 22.6: This source focuses on the future by depicting the elections that underpinned the new post-apartheid political system in South Africa.
  3. Question 22.31

    Which sources focus primarily on the future societies that movements aspired to create after independence? Choose ALL that apply.
    A. Source 22.1: Declaring Vietnam’s Independence
    B. Source 22.2: Vietnam’s Independence: Fifty Years Later
    C. Source 22.3: India’s “Tryst with Destiny”
    D. Source 22.4: Another View of India’s Struggle for Independence
    E. Source 22.5: One Africa
    F. Source 22.7: Independence as a Threat
    Correct: Source 22.2: This source celebrates the post-independence accomplishments of the Vietnamese. Source 22.3: Nehru looks to the future, not the past, in this speech. Source 22.5: Nkrumah focuses on the future, not the past. Source 22.7: While an opponent of independence, Pereira does anticipate many troubles, such as the growth of Islam and communism, that might occur if independence were achieved prematurely. Source 22.1: This source focuses on injustices suffered in the past, not a vision of what society would look like in the future. Source 22.4: This source focuses on the struggle to free India from British colonial rule.
    Incorrect: Source 22.2: This source celebrates the post-independence accomplishments of the Vietnamese. Source 22.3: Nehru looks to the future, not the past, in this speech. Source 22.5: Nkrumah focuses on the future, not the past. Source 22.7: While an opponent of independence, Pereira does anticipate many troubles, such as the growth of Islam and communism, that might occur if independence were achieved prematurely. Source 22.1: This source focuses on injustices suffered in the past, not a vision of what society would look like in the future. Source 22.4: This source focuses on the struggle to free India from British colonial rule.
  4. Question 22.32

    Which sources were created before or during the struggle to secure independence? Choose ALL that apply.
    A. Source 22.1: Declaring Vietnam’s Independence
    B. Source 22.3: India’s “Tryst with Destiny”
    C. Source 22.4: Another View of India’s Struggle for Independence
    D. Source 22.5: One Africa
    E. Source 22.6: South African “Independence”
    F. Source 22.7: Independence as a Threat
    Correct: Source 22.1: This source was created during the Vietnamese struggle for independence. Source 22.4: This source was created during India’s struggle for independence. Source 22.7: This source was created while the Portuguese colonial regime was in charge of Mozambique. Source 22.3: Nehru addressed a newly independent Indian state. Source 22.5: Nkrumah created his vision of Africa after a successful independence movement. Source 22.6: This photo depicts post-apartheid South Africa.
    Incorrect: Source 22.1: This source was created during the Vietnamese struggle for independence. Source 22.4: This source was created during India’s struggle for independence. Source 22.7: This source was created while the Portuguese colonial regime was in charge of Mozambique. Source 22.3: Nehru addressed a newly independent Indian state. Source 22.5: Nkrumah created his vision of Africa after a successful independence movement. Source 22.6: This photo depicts post-apartheid South Africa.