The rate of synthesis of HMG-CoA reductase mRNA is controlled by the sterol regulatory element binding protein (SREBP). This transcription factor binds to a short DNA sequence called the sterol regulatory element (SRE) on the 5ā² side of the reductase gene. It binds to the SRE when cholesterol levels are low and enhances transcription. In its inactive state, the SREBP resides in the endoplasmic reticulum membrane, where it is associated with the SREBP cleavage activating protein (SCAP), an integral membrane protein. SCAP is the cholesterol sensor. When cholesterol levels fall, SCAP escorts SREBP in small membrane vesicles to the Golgi complex, where it is released from the membrane by two specific proteolytic cleavages (Figure 29.12). The released protein migrates to the nucleus and binds the SRE of the HMG-CoA reductase gene, as well as several other genes in the cholesterol biosynthetic pathway, to enhance transcription. When cholesterol levels rise, the proteolytic release of the SREBP is blocked, and the SREBP in the nucleus is rapidly degraded. These two events halt the transcription of genes of the cholesterol biosynthetic pathways.
What is the molecular mechanism that retains SCAP-SREBP in the endoplasmic reticulum when cholesterol is present but allows movement to the Golgi complex when the cholesterol concentration is low? When cholesterol is low, SCAP binds to vesicular proteins that facilitate the transport of SCAPSREBP to the Golgi apparatus. When cholesterol is present, SCAP binds cholesterol, which causes a structural change in SCAP so that it binds to Insig (insulin-induced gene), another endoplasmic reticulum protein. Insig is the anchor that retains SCAP and thus SREBP in the endoplasmic reticulum in the presence of cholesterol.