In northern Illinois, you can find two soils developed on the same kind of bedrock: one is 10,000 years old and the other is 40,000 years old. What differences would you expect to find in their compositions or profiles?
Which igneous rock would you expect to weather faster, a granite or a basalt? What factors influenced your answer?
Assume that a granite with grains about 4 mm across and a rectangular system of joints spaced about 0.5 to 1 m apart is weathering at Earth’s surface. What size would you ordinarily expect the largest weathered particle to be?
Why do you think a road built of concrete, an artificial rock, tends to crack and develop a rough, uneven surface in a cold, wet region even when it is not subjected to heavy traffic?
Pyrite is a mineral in which ferrous iron is combined with sulfide ions. What major chemical process weathers pyrite?
Rank the following rocks in the order of the rapidity with which they would weather in a warm, humid climate: a sandstone made of pure quartz, a limestone made of pure calcite, a granite, an evaporite deposit of halite.
What would a planet look like if there were no weathering at its surface?
Would a prolonged drought affect the potential for landslides? How?
What geologic conditions might you want to investigate before you bought a house at the base of a steep hill of bedrock covered by a thick layer of soil?
What evidence would you look for to indicate that a mountainous area had undergone a great many prehistoric landslides?
What factors would make the potential for mass movements in a mountainous terrain in the humid tropics greater or less than the potential in a similar terrain in a desert?
What kind(s) of mass movements would you expect on a steep hillside with a thick layer of soil overlying unconsolidated sands and muds after a prolonged period of heavy rain?
What factors weaken rock and enable gravity to start a mass movement?