Thought Questions


If global warming caused evaporation from the oceans to increase greatly, how would the hydrologic cycle of today be altered?


If you lived near the seashore and started to notice that your well water had a slightly salty taste, how would you explain the change in water quality?


Why would you recommend against extensive development and urbanization of the recharge area of an aquifer that serves your community?


If it were discovered that radioactive waste had seeped into groundwater from a nuclear processing plant, what kind of information would you need to predict how long it would take for the radioactivity to appear in well water 10 km from the plant?


What geologic processes would you infer are taking place below the surface at Yellowstone National Park, which has many hot springs and geysers?


Why should communities ensure that septic tanks are maintained in good condition?


Why are more and more communities in cold climates restricting the use of salt to melt snow and ice on highways?


Your new house is built on soil-covered granitic bedrock. Although you think that prospects for drilling a successful water well are poor, a well driller who is familiar with the area says he has drilled many good water wells in this granite. What arguments might each of you offer to convince the other?


How might the hydrologic cycle have been different 18,000 years ago, at the Wisconsin glacial maximum, when much of North America, Europe, and Asia were covered with ice?


You are exploring a cave and notice a small stream flowing on the cave floor. Where could the water be coming from?