Thought Questions


In what ways does Earth’s internal heat engine contribute to the formation of fossil-fuel resources?


Are you an oil optimist or an oil pessimist? Explain why.


What issues related to the use of nuclear energy can be addressed by geologists?


Contrast the risks and benefits of nuclear fission and coal combustion as energy sources.


What do you think will be the major sources of the world’s energy in the year 2030? In the year 2100?


Do you think we should act now to reduce carbon emissions or delay until the functioning of the climate system is better understood?


Is the United States justified in insisting that developing countries that now use much less fossil fuel than developed countries agree to limit their future carbon emissions?


Do you think that future scientists and engineers will be able to modify the natural carbon cycle to prevent catastrophic changes in the climate system?


Do you think a geologist several thousand years in the future will consider the industrial revolution the beginning of a new geologic epoch?