How Do Magmas Form?

We know from the way Earth transmits seismic waves that the bulk of the planet is solid for thousands of kilometers down to the core-mantle boundary (see Chapter 1). The evidence of volcanic eruptions, however, tells us that there must also be liquid regions where magmas originate. How do we resolve this apparent contradiction? The answer lies in the processes that melt rocks and create magmas.

How Do Rocks Melt?

Although we do not yet understand the exact mechanisms of rock melting and solidification within Earth, we have learned a great deal from laboratory experiments using high-temperature furnaces (Figure 4.5). From these experiments, we know that a rock’s melting point depends on its chemical and mineral composition and on conditions of temperature and pressure (see Table 4.2).

Figure 4.5 Experimental device used to melt rocks in laboratory.


Temperature and Melting

A hundred years ago, geologists discovered that rock does not melt completely at a given temperature. Instead, rocks undergo partial melting because the minerals that compose them melt at different temperatures. As temperatures rise, some minerals melt and others remain solid. If the same conditions are maintained at any given temperature, the same mixture of solid and melted rock is maintained. The fraction of rock that has melted at a given temperature is called a partial melt. To visualize a partial melt, think of how a chocolate chip cookie would look if you heated it to the point at which the chocolate chips melted while the main part of the cookie stayed solid. The chips represent the partial melt, or magma.

The ratio of solid to partial melt depends on the proportions and melting temperatures of the minerals that make up the original rock. It also depends on the temperature at the depth in the crust or mantle where melting takes place. At the lower end of a rock’s melting range, a partial melt might be less than 1 percent of the volume of the original rock. Much of the hot rock would still be solid, but significant amounts of liquid would be present as small droplets in the tiny spaces between crystals throughout the mass. In the upper mantle, for example, some basaltic magmas are produced by only 1 to 2 percent melting of peridotite. However, 15 to 20 percent melting of mantle peridotite to form basaltic magmas is common beneath mid-ocean ridges. At the high end of a rock’s melting range, much of the rock would be liquid, containing lesser amounts of unmelted crystals. An example would be the reservoir of basaltic magma and crystals just beneath a volcano such as the island of Hawaii. Geologists have used this knowledge of partial melts to determine how different kinds of magmas form at different temperatures and in different regions of Earth’s interior. As you can imagine, the composition of a magma formed from completely melted rock may be very different from that of a magma formed from rock in which only the minerals with the lowest melting points have melted. Thus, basaltic magmas that form in different regions of the mantle may have somewhat different compositions.

Pressure and Melting

To get the whole story on melting, we must consider pressure as well as temperature. Pressure increases with depth within Earth as a result of the increasing weight of overlying rock. Geologists found that as they melted rocks under various pressures in the laboratory, higher pressures led to higher melting temperatures. Thus, rocks that would melt at a given temperature at Earth’s surface would remain solid at the same temperature in Earth’s interior. For example, a rock that melts at 1000°C at Earth’s surface might have a much higher melting temperature, perhaps 1300°C, deep in the interior, where pressures are many thousands of times greater than those at the surface. It is the effect of pressure that explains why the rocks in most of the crust and mantle do not melt. Rock can melt only when both temperature and pressure conditions are right.

Just as an increase in pressure can keep rock solid, a decrease in pressure can make rock melt, given a sufficiently high temperature. Because of convection currents in the mantle, mantle material rises to Earth’s surface at mid-ocean ridges at a more or less constant temperature. As the material rises and the pressure on it decreases below a critical point, the solid rock melts spontaneously, without the introduction of any additional heat. This process, known as decompression melting, produces the greatest volume of magma anywhere on Earth. It is the process by which most basalts form on the seafloor.

Water and Melting

The many experiments on melting temperatures and partial melting of rocks paid other dividends as well. One of them was a better understanding of the role of water in melting. Geologists studying natural lavas in the field determined that water was present in some magmas. This finding gave them the idea of adding water to their experimental melts back in the laboratory. By adding small but varying amounts of water, they discovered that the compositions of partial melts varied not only with temperature and pressure, but also with the amount of water present.

Consider, for example, the effect of dissolved water on pure albite, a sodium-rich plagioclase feldspar, at the low pressures at Earth’s surface. If only a small amount of water is present in the rock, the rock will remain solid at temperatures just over 1000°C, hundreds of degrees above the boiling point of water. At these temperatures, the water in the albite is present as a vapor (gas). If large amounts of water are dissolved in the albite, however, its melting temperature will decrease, dropping to as low as 800°C. This behavior follows the general rule that dissolving one substance (in this case, water vapor) in another (in this case, albite) lowers the melting temperature of the solution. If you live in a cold climate, you are probably familiar with this principle because you know that salt sprinkled on icy roads lowers the melting temperature of the ice. By the same principle, the melting temperature of albite—and of all silicate minerals—drops considerably in the presence of large amounts of water. The melting points of these minerals decrease in proportion to the amount of water dissolved in the molten silicate.

Melting of rock induced by the presence of water that lowers its melting point is referred to as fluid-induced melting. Water content is a significant factor in the melting of sedimentary rocks, which contain an especially large volume of water in their pore spaces, more than is found in igneous or metamorphic rocks. As we will see later in this chapter, the water in sedimentary rocks plays an important role in the melting that gives rise to much of the volcanic activity at subduction zones.


The Formation of Magma Chambers

Most substances are less dense in their liquid form than in their solid form. The density of melted rock is lower than the density of solid rock of the same composition. With this knowledge, geologists reasoned that large bodies of magma could form in the following way: If the less dense melted rock were given a chance to move, it would move upward—just as oil, which is less dense than water, rises to the surface of a mixture of oil and water. Being liquid, a partial melt could move slowly upward through pores and along the boundaries between crystals of the surrounding solid rock. As the hot drops of melted rock moved upward, they would mix with other drops, gradually forming larger pools of magma within Earth’s solid interior.

The rise of magmas through the mantle and crust may be slow or rapid. Magmas rise at rates from 0.3 m/year to almost 50 m/year, over periods of tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of years. As they ascend, magmas may mix with other melts and may also melt portions of the crust. We now know that large pools of molten rock, called magma chambers, form in the lithosphere as rising magmas melt and push aside surrounding solid rock. We know that they exist because seismic waves have shown us the depth, size, and general outlines of the magma chambers underlying some active volcanoes. A magma chamber may encompass a volume as large as several cubic kilometers. We cannot yet say exactly how magma chambers form, nor exactly what they look like in three dimensions. We can think of them as large, liquid-filled cavities in solid rock, which expand as more of the surrounding rock melts or as magma migrates through cracks and other small openings. Magma chambers contract as they expel magma to the surface in volcanic eruptions.

Where Do Magmas Form?

Our understanding of igneous processes stems from geologic inferences as well as laboratory experimentation. One important source of information is volcanoes, which give us information about where magmas are located. Another is the record of temperatures measured in deep drill holes and mine shafts. This record shows that the temperature of Earth’s interior increases with depth. Using these measurements, scientists have been able to estimate the rate at which temperature rises as depth increases.

The temperatures recorded at a given depth in some locations are much higher than the temperatures recorded at the same depth in other locations. These results indicate that some parts of Earth’s mantle and crust are hotter than others. For example, the Great Basin of the western United States is an area where the North American continent is being stretched and thinned, with the result that the temperature increases with depth at an exceptionally rapid rate, reaching 1000°C at 40 km, not far below the base of the crust. This temperature is almost high enough to melt basalt. By contrast, in tectonically stable regions, such as the central parts of continents, the temperature increases much more slowly, reaching only 500°C at the same depth.