The Earth System 3
Plate Tectonics: The Unifying Theory 27
Earth Materials: Minerals and Rocks 57
Igneous Rocks: Solids from Melts 91
Sedimentation: Rocks Formed by Surface Processes 115
Metamorphism: Alteration of Rocks by Temperature and Pressure 149
Deformation: Modification of Rocks by Folding and Fracturing 171
Clocks in Rocks: Timing the Geologic Record 195
Early History of the Terrestrial Planets 221
History of the Continents 253
Geobiology: Life Interacts with Earth 283
Volcanoes 313
Earthquakes 347
Exploring Earth’s Interior 383
The Climate System 407
Weathering, Erosion, and Mass Wasting: Interactions Between the Climate and Plate Tectonic Systems 435
The Hydrologic Cycle and Groundwater 466
Stream Transport: From Mountains to Oceans 499
Winds and Deserts 529
Coastlines and Ocean Basins 551
Glaciers: The Work of Ice 587
Landscape Development 617
The Human Impact on Earth’s Environment 641
Appendix 1 Conversion Factors AP—1
Appendix 2 Numerical Data Pertaining to Earth AP—2
Appendix 3 Chemical Reactions AP—3
Appendix 4 Properties of the Most Common Minerals of Earth’s Crust AP—5
Appendix 5 Practicing Geology Exercises: Answers to Problems AP—9
Glossary GL—1
Index I—1