Applications of the Doppler Effect

Doppler’s formula relates the radial velocity of an astronomical object to the wavelength shift of its spectral lines. Here are two examples that show how to use this remarkably powerful formula.

EXAMPLE: As measured in the laboratory, the prominent Hα spectral line of hydrogen has a wavelength λ0 = 656.285 nm. But in the spectrum of the star Vega (Figure 5-21), this line has a wavelength λ = 656.255 nm. What can we conclude about the motion of Vega?

Situation: Our goal is to use the ideas of the Doppler effect to find the velocity of Vega toward or away from Earth.

Tools: We use the Doppler shift formula, Δλ/λ0 = v/c, to determine Vega’s velocity v.

Answer: The wavelength shift is

Δλ = λ − λ0 = 656.255 nm − 656.285 nm = −0.030 nm

The negative value means that we see the light from Vega shifted to shorter wavelengths—that is, there is a blueshift. (Note that the shift is very tiny and can be measured only using specialized equipment.) From the Doppler shift formula, the star’s radial velocity is

Review: The minus sign indicates that Vega is coming toward us at 14 km/s. The star might also have some motion perpendicular to the line from Earth to Vega, but such motion produces no Doppler shift.

By plotting the motions of stars such as Vega toward and away from us, astronomers have been able to learn how the Milky Way Galaxy (of which our Sun is a part) is rotating. From this knowledge, and aided by Newton’s universal law of gravitation (see Section 4-6), they have made the surprising discovery that the Milky Way contains roughly 10 times more matter than had once been thought! The nature of this unseen dark matter is still one of the great unsolved mysteries in astronomy.

EXAMPLE: In the radio region of the electromagnetic spectrum, hydrogen atoms emit and absorb photons with a wavelength of 21.12 cm, giving rise to a spectral feature commonly called the 21-centimeter line. The galaxy NGC 3840 in the constellation Leo (the Lion) is receding from us at a speed of 7370 km/s, or about 2.5% of the speed of light. At what wavelength do we expect to detect the 21-cm line from this galaxy?

Situation: Given the velocity of NGC 3840 away from us, our goal is to find the wavelength as measured on Earth of the 21-centimeter line from this galaxy.

Tools: We use the Doppler shift formula to calculate the wavelength shift Δλ, then use this to find the wavelength λ measured on Earth.

Answer: The wavelength shift is

Therefore, we will detect the 21-cm line of hydrogen from this galaxy at a wavelength of

λ = λ0 + Δλ = 21.12 cm + 0.52 cm = 21.64 cm

Review: The 21-cm line has been redshifted to a longer wavelength because the galaxy is receding from us. In fact, most galaxies are receding from us. This observation is one of the key pieces of evidence that the universe is expanding, and has been doing so since the Big Bang that took place almost 14 billion years ago.