Table 25-2: Some Key Properties of the Universe
Hubble constant, H0Present-day expansion rate of the universe km/s/Mpc
Density parameter, Ω0Combined mass density of all forms of matter and energy in the universe divided by the critical density1.02 ± 0.02
Matter density parameter, ΩmCombined mass density of all forms of matter in the universe, divided by the critical density0.241 ± 0.034
Density parameter for ordinary matter, ΩbMass density of ordinary atomic matter in the universe divided by the critical density0.0416 ± 0.001
Dark energy density parameter, ΩΛMass density of dark energy in the universe divided by the critical density0.759 ± 0.034
Age of the universe, T0Elapsed time from the Big Bang to the present day × 1010 years
Age of the universe at the time of recombinationElapsed time from the Big Bang to when the universe became transparent, releasing the cosmic background radiation × 105 years
Redshift z at the time of recombinationSince the cosmic background radiation was released, the universe has expanded by a factor 1 + z1089 ± 1
*Values for H0, Ωm, Ωb, and T0 are based on the three-year WMAP data with the assumption of a flat universe. Values for the time and redshift of recombination and for Ω0 are from the first-year WMAP data. (NASA/WMAP Science Team)