DLAP questions | universe10e_ch3_1_dlap.xml | 52a53790757a2e5d55000000 |
3-1 The phases of the Moon are caused by its orbital motion
| universe10e_ch3_2.html | 52a53790757a2e5d55000000 |
DLAP questions | universe10e_ch3_2_dlap.xml | 52a53790757a2e5d55000000 |
3-2 The Moon always keeps the same face toward Earth
| universe10e_ch3_3.html | 52a53790757a2e5d55000000 |
DLAP questions | universe10e_ch3_3_dlap.xml | 52a53790757a2e5d55000000 |
3-3 Eclipses occur only when the Sun and Moon are both on the line of nodes
| universe10e_ch3_4.html | 52a53790757a2e5d55000000 |
DLAP questions | universe10e_ch3_4_dlap.xml | 52a53790757a2e5d55000000 |
3-4 The character of a lunar eclipse depends on the alignment of the Sun, Earth, and Moon
| universe10e_ch3_5.html | 52a53790757a2e5d55000000 |
DLAP questions | universe10e_ch3_5_dlap.xml | 52a53790757a2e5d55000000 |
3-5 Solar eclipses also depend on the alignment of the Sun, Earth, and Moon
| universe10e_ch3_6.html | 52a53790757a2e5d55000000 |
DLAP questions | universe10e_ch3_6_dlap.xml | 52a53790757a2e5d55000000 |
3-6 Ancient astronomers measured the size of Earth and attempted to determine distances to the Sun and Moon
| universe10e_ch3_7.html | 52a53790757a2e5d55000000 |
DLAP questions | universe10e_ch3_7_dlap.xml | 52a53790757a2e5d55000000 |
DLAP questions | universe10e_ch3_8_dlap.xml | 52a53790757a2e5d55000000 |
DLAP questions | universe10e_ch3_9_dlap.xml | 52a53790757a2e5d55000000 |
DLAP questions | universe10e_ch3_10_dlap.xml | 52a53790757a2e5d55000000 |
DLAP questions | universe10e_ch3_11_dlap.xml | 52a53790757a2e5d55000000 |
DLAP questions | universe10e_ch3_12_dlap.xml | 52a53790757a2e5d55000000 |
Archaeoastronomy and Ethnoastronomy | universe10e_ch3_13.html | 52a53790757a2e5d55000000 |
DLAP questions | universe10e_ch3_13_dlap.xml | 52a53790757a2e5d55000000 |