Pluto and the Kuiper Belt

Pluto and the Kuiper Belt

by Scott Sheppard

The “what is a planet” controversy began with the discovery of Ceres and several other objects between Mars and Jupiter in the early 1800s. At first, Ceres and then Pallas, Juno, and Vesta were considered planets, even though they were orders of magnitude less massive than the other known planets and all had similar orbits. The definition of a planet at this time was simple. Any object in orbit about the Sun that did not show cometary effects was a planet.

By the mid-1800s, the discovery of more and more objects between Mars and Jupiter saw the words “asteroid” and “minor planet” start to be used in order to signify these objects as an ensemble of bodies. That is, astronomers felt a major planet should be a rare and unique thing. The major planet club thus was left with eight members: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune.

The planet controversy arose once again in 1930 with the discovery of Pluto, which was quickly regarded as the ninth planet. During the ensuing years, new observations downgraded Pluto’s size from being near that of Earth to being smaller than our Moon. Its orbit also proved to be peculiar because it was highly inclined and eccentric, having it even crossing Neptune’s orbit. Its uniqueness kept Pluto in the planet club with relatively few detractors until 1992, when the first Kuiper belt object was discovered. As it became apparent that hundreds of thousands of Kuiper belt objects existed on stable orbits just beyond Neptune, Pluto’s planet status was becoming less and less certain. With the discovery of Eris (2003 UB313) in 2003, an object larger than Pluto, Pluto’s last unique claim of being the largest Kuiper belt object was lost. Thus, the planet controversy had finally reached a point where a major planet’s minimum size must be precisely defined.

No matter how you count them, there are no longer nine major planets in our solar system. The same situation of the main belt asteroids in the mid-1800s is now apparent with Pluto, Eris, and the rest of the Kuiper belt objects. Although the largest Kuiper belt objects are significantly bigger than the largest main belt asteroids, they are still an ensemble of bodies with a continuous size distribution and similar formation and evolution histories. The reason Pluto’s status as a planet is a controversy now is simply because it took 62 years between the discovery of Pluto and the next Kuiper belt object in 1992. Within that time span Pluto became known as the ninth planet through several generations and was ingrained in society as such.

Classification is not that important to scientists but it is the understanding of how the object formed and its history. Even so, any classification should have a scientific base and not be based on tradition, as seems to be the case for Pluto in the recent past. Eris as well as Pluto and the rest of the Kuiper belt objects had very similar histories and formation scenarios and thus they should be considered as an ensemble of objects just like the main belt asteroids between Mars and Jupiter. As technology advances, our knowledge and thus understanding advances and so should our classification.

Several minimum-size planet definitions were debated recently. The first is that anything larger than a certain minimum size is a planet. The chosen size would likely be arbitrary and may be a nice round number like 1000 km or the size of Pluto. This stems from the traditional belief that Pluto has been considered a planet in the past and should continue as such. This would give us 10 current planets including Eris. A second possible definition is that anything that is spherical should be a planet. This definition is based on physics in which the gravitational force of an object is large enough to overcome any other forces in determining the overall shape of the object. Determining if an object meets this criteria or not is complicated. This definition would also significantly change the status quo by increasing the number of known planets by several factors overnight. A third definition is that any object with a unique orbit and gravitationally dominates its local orbital environment should be a planet. This definition is the most scientifically based, in that objects with similar formation and evolutionary histories would be grouped together. Using this definition would give us eight known major planets, dropping Pluto from the list.

A final proposal as to what is a planet takes into account that the current known major planets themselves are remarkably different and can be split into individual categories themselves. Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars are terrestrial planets whose compositions are dominated by rock. Jupiter and Saturn are gas giant planets dominated by their hydrogen and helium envelopes. Uranus and Neptune are ice giant planets dominated by gases other than hydrogen and helium. The trans-Neptunian objects or “ice dwarf planets,” as some are calling them, are probably composed of large amounts of volatiles such as methane-ice and water-ice.

The International Astronomical Union (IAU) recently chose to use a combination of the second and third definitions above to define a planet. That is, a planet is an object that is both spherical and has a unique orbit in which it is gravitationally dominant. An object that only satisfies definition two above and not three is now being called a dwarf planet, of which Ceres, Pluto, and Eris qualify, as well as several more objects in the Kuiper belt. In reality, it is the public that must accept this definition, and we will only know if that is the case a few generations from now.

Defining the word “planet” is like defining what an ocean is. At first it appears to be a simple term, but is very hard to precisely define. Further planet discoveries will be made and there are sure to be borderline cases. This is just the way nature is; it does not have little bins to nicely classify objects, but there is usually a continuous array of objects. The important thing to take away from all of this is to understand this array of objects by using our rapidly expanding scientific knowledge and understanding our place in the solar system.

Scott S. Sheppard is an astronomer at the Carnegie Institution of Washington in the Department of Terrestrial Magnetism located in Washington, DC. His main research currently involves discovering small bodies in our solar system to understand their dynamical and physical properties that help constrain solar system and planet formation. He has discovered several small moons around all the giant planets, been a pioneer in the discovery of Neptune Trojans, as well as found tens of Kuiper Belt objects.