Astronomy has a rich heritage that dates back to the myths and legends of antiquity. Centuries ago, the heavens were thought to be populated with demons and heroes, gods and goddesses. Astronomical phenomena were explained as the result of supernatural forces and divine intervention.
The course of civilization was greatly affected by a profound realization: The universe is comprehensible. For example, ancient Greek astronomers discovered that by observing the heavens and carefully reasoning about what they saw, they could learn something about how the universe operates. As we shall see in Chapter 3, ancient Greek astronomers measured the size of Earth and were able to understand and predict eclipses without appealing to supernatural forces. Modern science is a direct descendant of astronomy, which had many contributors from the Middle East, Africa, Asia, Central America, and, eventually, Greece.
Like art, music, or any other human creative activity, science makes use of intuition and experience. But the approach used by scientists to explore physical reality differs from other forms of intellectual endeavor in that it is based fundamentally on observation, logic, and skepticism. This approach, called the scientific method, requires that our ideas about the world around us be consistent with what we actually observe.
Hypotheses, models, theories, and laws are essential parts of the scientific way of knowing
The scientific method goes something like this: A scientist trying to understand some observed phenomenon proposes a hypothesis, which is a collection of ideas that seems to explain what is observed. It is in developing hypotheses that scientists are at their most creative, imaginative, and intuitive. But their hypotheses must always agree with existing observations and experiments, because a discrepancy with what is observed implies that the hypothesis is wrong. (The exception is if the scientist thinks that the existing results are wrong and can give compelling evidence to show that they are wrong.) The scientist then uses logic to work out the implications of the hypothesis and to make predictions that can be tested. A hypothesis is on firm ground only after it has accurately forecast the results of new experiments or observations. (In practice, scientists typically go through these steps in a less linear fashion than we have described.)
Scientists describe reality in terms of models, which are hypotheses that have withstood observational or experimental tests. A model tells us about the properties and behavior of some object or phenomenon. A familiar example is a model of the atom, which scientists picture as electrons orbiting a central nucleus. Another example, which we will encounter in Chapter 18, is a model that tells us about physical conditions (for example, temperature, pressure, and density) in the interior of the Sun (Figure 1-1). A well-developed model uses mathematics—one of the most powerful tools for logical thinking—to make detailed predictions. For example, a successful model of the Sun’s interior should describe what the values of temperature, pressure, and density are at each depth within the Sun, as well as the relations between these quantities. For this reason, mathematics is one of the most important tools used by scientists.
A body of related hypotheses can be pieced together into a self-consistent description of nature called a theory. An example from Chapter 4 is the theory that the planets are held in their orbits around the Sun by the Sun’s gravitational force (Figure 1-2). Without models and theories there is no understanding and no science, only collections of facts.
In everyday language the word “theory” is often used to mean an idea that looks good on paper, but has little to do with reality. In science, however, a good theory is one that explains reality very well and that can be applied to explain new observations. An excellent example is the theory of gravitation (Chapter 4), which was devised by the English scientist Isaac Newton in the late 1600s to explain the orbits of the six planets known at that time. When astronomers of later centuries discovered the planets Uranus and Neptune and the dwarf planet Pluto, they found that these planets also moved in accordance with Newton’s theory. The same theory describes the motions of satellites around Earth as well as the orbits of planets around other stars.
An important part of a scientific theory is its ability to make predictions that can be tested by other scientists. If the predictions are verified by observation that lends support to the theory and suggests that it might be correct. If the predictions are not verified, the theory needs to be modified or completely replaced. For example, an old theory held that the Sun and planets orbit around a stationary Earth. This theory led to certain predictions that could be checked by observation, as we will see in Chapter 4. In the early 1600s the Italian scientist Galileo Galilei used one of the first telescopes to show that these predictions were incorrect. As a result, the theory of a stationary Earth was rejected, eventually to be replaced by the modern model shown in Figure 1-2 in which Earth and other planets orbit the Sun.
An idea that cannot be tested by observation or experiment does not qualify as a scientific theory. An example is the idea that there is a little man living in your refrigerator who turns the inside light on or off when you open and close the door. The little man is invisible, weightless, and makes no sound, so you cannot detect his presence. While this is an amusing idea, it cannot be tested and so cannot be considered science.
Skepticism is an essential part of the scientific method. New hypotheses must be able to withstand the close scrutiny of other scientists. The more radical the hypothesis, the more skepticism and critical evaluation it will receive from the scientific community, because the general rule in science is that extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. That is why scientists as a rule do not accept claims that people have been abducted by aliens and taken aboard UFOs. The evidence presented for these claims is flimsy, secondhand, and unverifiable.
At the same time, scientists must be open-minded. They must be willing to discard long-held ideas if these ideas fail to agree with new observations and experiments, provided the new data have survived critical review. (If an alien spacecraft really did land on Earth, scientists would be the first to accept that aliens existed—provided they could take a careful look at the spacecraft and its occupants.) That is why the validity of scientific knowledge can be temporary. With new evidence, some ideas only need modification, while occasionally, some ideas may need to be entirely replaced. As you go through this book, you will encounter many instances where new observations have transformed our understanding of Earth, the planets, the Sun and stars, and indeed the very structure of the universe.
Theories that accurately describe the workings of physical reality have a significant effect on civilization. For example, basing his conclusions in part on observations of how the planets orbit the Sun, Isaac Newton deduced a set of fundamental principles that describe how all objects move. These theoretical principles, which we will encounter in Chapter 4, work equally well on Earth as they do in the most distant corner of the universe. They represent our first complete, coherent description of how objects move in the physical universe. Newtonian mechanics had an immediate practical application in the construction of machines, buildings, and bridges. It is no coincidence that the Industrial Revolution followed hard on the heels of these theoretical and mathematical advances inspired by astronomy.
Newtonian mechanics and other physical theories have stood the test of time and been shown to have great and general validity. Proven theories of this kind are collectively referred to as the laws of physics. Thus, the most reliable theories with the broadest applicability can eventually be considered laws of physics. Astronomers use these laws to interpret and understand their observations of the universe. The laws governing light and its relationship to matter are of particular importance, because the only information we can gather about distant stars and galaxies is in the light that we receive from them. Using the physical laws that describe how objects absorb and emit light, astronomers have measured the temperature of the Sun and even learned what the Sun is made of. By analyzing starlight in the same way, they have discovered that our own Sun is a rather ordinary star and that the observable universe may contain 10 billion trillion stars just like the Sun.
An important part of science is the development of new tools for research and new techniques of observation. As an example, until fairly recently everything we knew about the distant universe was based on visible light. Astronomers would peer through telescopes to observe and analyze visible starlight. By the end of the nineteenth century, however, scientists had begun to discover forms of light invisible to the human eye: X-rays, gamma rays, radio waves, microwaves, and ultraviolet and infrared radiation.
As we will see in Chapter 6, in recent years astronomers have constructed telescopes that can detect such nonvisible forms of light (Figure 1-3). These instruments give us views of the universe vastly different from anything our eyes can see. These new views have allowed us to see through the atmospheres of distant planets, to study the thin but incredibly violent gas that surrounds our Sun, and even to observe new solar systems being formed around distant stars. Aided by high-technology telescopes, today’s astronomers carry on the program of careful observation and logical analysis begun thousands of years ago by their ancient Greek predecessors.
Which is held in higher regard by professional astronomers: a hypothesis or a theory? Explain your answer.
While a hypothesis is a testable idea that seems to explain an observation about nature, a scientific theory represents a set of well-tested and internally consistent hypotheses that are able to successfully and repeatedly predict the outcome of experiments and observations.