Terms preceded by an asterisk (*) are discussed in the Boxes.
Antarctic Circle |
positional astronomy |
apparent solar day |
precession |
apparent solar time |
precession of the equinoxes |
Arctic Circle |
projection |
autumnal equinox |
*right ascension |
celestial equator |
*sidereal clock |
celestial sphere |
*sidereal day |
circumpolar |
sidereal time |
constellation |
sidereal year |
*declination |
south celestial pole |
diurnal motion |
summer solstice |
ecliptic |
time zone |
ecliptic plane |
tropical year |
epoch |
Tropic of Cancer |
equinox |
Tropic of Capricorn |
lower meridian |
upper meridian |
mean solar day |
vernal equinox |
mean sun |
winter solstice |
meridian |
zenith |
meridian transit |
zodiac |
north celestial pole |