Key Ideas

Properties of the Planets: All of the planets orbit the Sun in the same direction and in almost the same plane. Most of the planets have nearly circular orbits.

Satellites and Small Bodies in the Solar System: Besides the planets, the solar system includes satellites of the planets, asteroids, comets, and trans-Neptunian objects.

Spectroscopy and the Composition of the Planets: Spectroscopy, the study of spectra, provides information about the chemical composition of objects in the solar system.

Impact Craters: When an asteroid, comet, or meteoroid collides with the surface of a terrestrial planet or satellite, the result is an impact crater.

Magnetic Fields and Planetary Interiors: Planetary magnetic fields are produced by the motion of electrically conducting liquids inside the planet. This mechanism is called a dynamo. If a planet has no magnetic field, that is evidence that there is little such liquid material in the planet’s interior or that the liquid is not in a state of motion.