New Jersey and Pennsylvania

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The creation of New York led indirectly to the founding of two other middle colonies, New Jersey and Pennsylvania. In 1664, the Duke of York subdivided his grant and gave the portion between the Hudson and Delaware rivers to two of his friends. The proprietors of this new colony, New Jersey, quarreled and called in a prominent English Quaker, William Penn, to arbitrate their dispute. Penn eventually worked out a settlement that continued New Jersey’s proprietary government. In the process, Penn became intensely interested in what he termed a “holy experiment” of establishing a genuinely Quaker colony in America.

Unlike most Quakers, William Penn came from an eminent family. Born in 1644, Penn trained for a military career, but the ideas of dissenters from the reestablished Church of England appealed to him, and he became a devout Quaker.

Despite his many run-ins with the government (he was jailed four times for his Quaker practices), Penn remained on good terms with Charles II. Partly to rid England of the troublesome Quakers, in 1681 Charles made Penn the proprietor of a new colony of some 45,000 square miles called Pennsylvania.

Quakers in the New World

> Quakers in the New World

  • Quakers believed in an open, generous God who made his love equally available to all people.
  • Quaker leaders were ordinary men and women, not specially trained preachers; women were allowed to hold positions of religious leadership. They considered social hierarchy false and evil.
  • Nearly eight thousand Quaker immigrants from England, Ireland, and Wales arrived in Pennsylvania between 1682 and 1685.
  • Immigrants represented a cross section of the artisans, farmers, and laborers who predominated among English Quakers.