Map Activity 2 for Chapter 7

Printed Page 186

Figure false: MAP 7.2 Loyalist Strength and Rebel Support
Figure false: The exact number of loyalists can never be known. No one could have made an accurate count at the time, and political allegiance often shifted with the wind. This map shows the regions of loyalist strength on which the British relied — most significantly, the lower Hudson valley and the Carolina Piedmont.
Figure false: > MAP ACTIVITY


READING THE MAP: Which forces were stronger, those loyal to Britain or those rebelling? (Consider the size of their respective areas, centers of population, and vital port locations.) What areas were contested? If the contested areas ultimately had sided with the British, how would the balance of power have changed?


CONNECTIONS: Who was more likely to be a loyalist and why? How many loyalists left the United States? Where did they go?