Quiz for Analyzing Historical Evidence: Justifying Conquest

Choose the best answer to each question.


1. Which of the following restates the main argument of the excerpt from Montecino’s 1511 sermon?


Correct. The answer is A. In this sermon, Montecito is condemning Spanish colonizers for betraying the ideals of Christianity in their approaches to and treatment of the Native American people they conquered. He suggests that the native people are equals to the Spanish, and that the Spaniards’ acts will damn them to hell.
Incorrect. The correct answer is A. In this sermon, Montecito is condemning Spanish colonizers for betraying the ideals of Christianity in their approaches to and treatment of the Native American people they conquered. He suggests that the native people are equals to the Spanish, and that the Spaniards’ acts will damn them to hell.


2. Which of the following assumptions is at the root of Montecito’s 1511 sermon?


Correct. The answer is C. In his sermon, Montecito assumes that it is more important for the Spaniards to follow the precepts of Christianity than it is to pursue the riches of the New World. He suggests that the native people are God’s people, despite their non-Christian beliefs. At the same time he points out that, while the Spaniards are Christians in name, they are violating God’s laws in order to acquire wealth.
Incorrect. The correct answer is C. In his sermon, Montecito assumes that it is more important for the Spaniards to follow the precepts of Christianity than it is to pursue the riches of the New World. He suggests that the native people are God’s people, despite their non-Christian beliefs. At the same time he points out that, while the Spaniards are Christians in name, they are violating God’s laws in order to acquire wealth.


3. What does the Requerimiento use to justify Spain’s right to conquer and rule over the people of the New World?


Correct. The answer is D. The Requerimiento relies on religious arguments to justify Spain’s right to conquer and rule over the people of the New World. It explains that God created the world and empowered St. Peter and the popes who would follow him. The popes gave the land to Spain and instructed that its monarchs ensure that their followers become Christians. This, the document suggests, justifies the Spanish conquest.
Incorrect. The correct answer is D. The Requerimiento relies on religious arguments to justify Spain’s right to conquer and rule over the people of the New World. It explains that God created the world and empowered St. Peter and the popes who would follow him. The popes gave the land to Spain and instructed that its monarchs ensure that their followers become Christians. This, the document suggests, justifies the Spanish conquest.


4. In which of the following statements does the Requerimiento specifically counter the accusations made against the Spaniards in Montecito’s 1511 sermon?


Correct. The answer is B. In this section of the document, the Spaniards explicitly argue that it is the Native Americans’ duty to acknowledge the Church as the ruler of the world and that they must give in to their Spanish conquerors’ efforts to convert them to Christianity. It suggests that only the pope leads the world, and that the pope donated the lands to Spain, but that conversion is the price Native Americans must pay to deserve humane treatment.
Incorrect. The correct answer is B. In this section of the document, the Spaniards explicitly argue that it is the Native Americans’ duty to acknowledge the Church as the ruler of the world and that they must give in to their Spanish conquerors’ efforts to convert them to Christianity. It suggests that only the pope leads the world, and that the pope donated the lands to Spain, but that conversion is the price Native Americans must pay to deserve humane treatment.


5. In his sermon, Montecito blames the Spaniards for the Native Americans’ suffering. With whom does the Requerimiento place the blame?


Correct. The answer is D. The Requerimiento explains that if the Native Americans refuse to obey and honor their Spanish conquerors by converting to Christianity, then they are responsible for the Spaniards’ decision to kill them.
Incorrect. The correct answer is D. The Requerimiento explains that if the Native Americans refuse to obey and honor their Spanish conquerors by converting to Christianity, then they are responsible for the Spaniards’ decision to kill them.